File or function not found

Okay, I face this problem once again while using LINUX

I dont know why do I face this problem, everything works right.

I'm using .so plugins, and using the "bind: ip",

I dont know the solution, can anyone help?

If I had a nickle for everytime this topic was made..

Take a look at this plugin - showthread.php?t=249226

I've also used nativechecker, still not working.


I'm using .so plugins, and using the "bind: ip",

What do you mean using the bind:ip?
You need to be more specific because i can not understand what you're trying to ask us to help you with.

Just ignore the bind something

I want to fix the file or function is not found

- Do you got any errors with Nativechecker?
- Did you compile your gamemode/filterscript with proper-includes?

Oh, I did not compile the gamemode, I do not have the include for nativechecker.

Run the server, with nativechecker at the END of the plugins list in server.cfg. It's not an include.

Then post the log here, we can't just guess what plugin you're missing.

Originally Posted by PrinceOfPersia
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Just ignore the bind something

I want to fix the file or function is not found
File or Function is MOSTLY caused because a plugin is missing. You can find out what plugin is missing, by downloading the native checker plugin (I hope you've downloaded it already) and put it in the plugins folder. Then, put the (As you're using, It's linux) at the end of the plugins line. Re-start the server and check the log. The error would be stated above the "Run Time Error 19: File or Function not found" error.
Post that error here and we'll tell you what to do next.

It's not necessarily related to a missing plugin. This can occur due to missing folders in 'scriptfiles/', missing includes that are in your script but not in your 'pawno/includes/' folder, or missing plugin as you mentioned.

For example, if your script tries to access a file located in: "scriptfiles/Users/Stats/', and if you don't have the "Users" or "Stats" folders, the server will most likely crash when you attempt to access it. You can use 'fexist' to perform checks to see whether the folder exists upon starting the gamemode and can return a print to remind yourself to add it.
pawn Код:
public OnGameModeInit()
    if(!fexist("Users/")) print("'Users/' folder is missing. Please add it before starting server.");
    //Rest of code...

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