Pls Help me with this errors (mysql )

hey guys, i got these errors, can any one help me ?

C:\Users\t\Desktop\FragOne\pawno\include\cnr_robbe : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Users\t\Desktop\FragOne\pawno\include\cnr_robbe : error 008: must be a constant expression; assumed zero
C:\Users\t\Desktop\FragOne\pawno\include\cnr_robbe : error 020: invalid symbol name ""
C:\Users\t\Desktop\FragOne\pawno\include\cnr_robbe : error 017: undefined symbol "checkpointLabel"
C:\Users\t\Desktop\FragOne\pawno\include\cnr_robbe : warning 215: expression has no effect
C:\Users\t\Desktop\FragOne\pawno\include\cnr_robbe : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "]"
C:\Users\t\Desktop\FragOne\pawno\include\cnr_robbe : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Users\t\Desktop\FragOne\pawno\include\cnr_robbe : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line

Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

7 Errors.

heres the error line

forward placeAllCheckpoints();

enum robberyCheckpoints

new checkpointData[MAX_ROB_CHECKPOINT][robberyCheckpoints] =
- storeID - this is the store ID, continue the pattern.
- checkpointLoc - x, y, z location for entering the interior (this is also the place the player ends up being after leaving the interior)
- exitpointLoc - x, y, z location for leaving the interior (this is also the place the player ends up being after entering the interior)
- robpointLoc - x, y, z location for the actual robbery checkpoint
- storeStatus - leave it at 1, server will modify this on the fly.
- lowestCash - certain interiors will give more than others, this is how you define the lowest amount that store will ever produce from a robbery.
- highestCash - same as above, just this is the highest amount.
- virtualWorld - this tells the server which world to throw you in, this is so you only get player markers of people who are in the same store as you.
- interiorWorld - this tells the server which interior to put you in.
- storeName - this defines the name of the store for the text labels, and robbery reports "Jake has robbed Cluckin' Bell" etc.
- lastRobbed - this tells the server when the store was last robbed.

// Pleasure Dome
{1, {-2624.1946, 1411.4656, 7.0938}, {-2636.7800, 1403.4661, 906.4609}, {-2666.4624, 1426.7899, 906.4609}, 1, 1000, 4500, 3, 3, "Pleasure Dome", 0},

// Well Stacked Pizza 1
{2, {-1808.0221, 945.4167, 24.8906}, {372.3125, -132.8916, 1001.4922}, {376.9215, -115.4863, 1001.4922}, 1, 1000, 4500, 4, 5, "Well Stacked Pizza", 0},

// Binco 1
{3, {-1809.8201, 902.8481, 24.8906}, {207.6829, -110.6515, 1005.1328}, {207.5093, -101.3514, 1005.2578}, 1, 1000, 4500, 5, 15, "Binco Clothing", 0},

// Burger Shot 1
{4, {-1912.1155, 828.2896, 35.2092}, {363.4346, -74.6586, 1001.5078}, {378.0959, -59.7760, 1001.5078}, 1, 1000, 4500, 6, 10, "Burger Shot", 0},

// Burger Shot 2
{5, {-2356.5769, 1008.0867, 50.8984}, {363.4346, -74.6586, 1001.5078}, {378.0959, -59.7760, 1001.5078}, 1, 1000, 4500, 7, 10, "Burger Shot", 0},

// Binco 2
{6, {-2374.5620, 910.0986, 45.4453}, {207.6829, -110.6515, 1005.1328}, {207.5093, -101.3514, 1005.2578}, 1, 1000, 4500, 8, 15, "Binco Clothing", 0},

// 24/7 1
{7, {-2419.5413, 969.8095, 45.2969}, {-31.0479, -91.4085, 1003.5469}, {-27.9818, -89.7512, 1003.5469}, 1, 1000, 4500, 9, 18, "24/7", 0},

// Zero's RC Shop
{8, {-2242.4927, 128.6444, 35.3203}, {-2239.8569, 137.2601, 1035.4141}, {-2221.7893, 134.7148, 1035.6328}, 1, 1000, 4500, 10, 6, "Zero's RC Shop", 0},

// GYM
{9, {-2269.7893, -155.9303, 35.3203}, {774.2042, -49.7428, 1000.5859}, {767.6898, -22.9267, 1000.5859}, 1, 1000, 4500, 11, 6, "San Fierro Gym", 0},

// Driving School
{10, {-2026.6393, -101.4065, 35.1641}, {-2026.8571, -104.0733, 1035.1719}, {-2031.8470, -117.4275, 1035.1719}, 1, 1000, 4500, 12, 3, "Driving School", 0},

// Barber
{11, {-2571.1897, 246.5445, 10.3081}, {411.6910, -22.8669, 1001.8047}, {414.4622, -10.7796, 1001.8120}, 1, 1000, 4500, 13, 2, "Barber Shop", 0},

// Ammunation
{12, {-2625.8931, 208.5265, 4.6150}, {315.7365, -143.0907, 999.6016}, {313.5016, -134.0640, 999.6016}, 1, 1000, 4500, 14, 7, "Ammunation", 0},

// Donut
{13, {-2767.4424, 788.8062, 52.7813}, {377.1708, -192.7061, 1000.6401}, {381.0800, -188.2198, 1000.6328}, 1, 1000, 4500, 15, 17, "Donut Shop", 0},

// Victim
{14, {-1694.4790, 950.8422, 24.8906}, {226.9353, -8.2048, 1002.2109}, {204.5254, -8.3194, 1001.2109}, 1, 1000, 4500, 16, 5, "Victim Clothing Store", 0},

// Cluckin' Bell 1
{15, {-1816.5928, 617.7781, 35.1719}, {365.0151, -11.0958, 1001.8516}, {369.7530, -7.6813, 1001.8589}, 1, 1000, 4500, 17, 9, "Cluckin' Bell", 0},

// ZIP
{16, {-1883.0643, 865.8884, 35.1719}, {161.4177, -96.4533, 1001.8047}, {161.5182, -78.5563, 1001.8047}, 1, 1000, 4500, 18, 18, "Zip Clothing Store", 0},

// Well Stacked Pizza 2
{17, {-1721.7911, 1359.6581, 7.1853}, {372.3125, -132.8916, 1001.4922}, {376.9215, -115.4863, 1001.4922}, 1, 1000, 4500, 19, 5, "Well Stacked Pizza", 0},

// Cluckin Bell 2
{18, {-2672.3210, 258.8806, 4.6328}, {365.0151, -11.0958, 1001.8516}, {369.7530, -7.6813, 1001.8589}, 1, 1000, 4500, 20, 9, "Cluckin' Bell", 0},

// Tattoo Shop
{19, {-2491.6086, -38.9503, 25.7656}, {-204.3975, -8.6990, 1002.2734}, {-201.7257, -4.8095, 1002.2734}, 1, 1000, 4500, 21, 17, "Tattoo Parlour", 0},

// Burger Shot 3
{20, {-2336.4358, -166.8006, 35.5547}, {363.4346, -74.6586, 1001.5078}, {378.0959, -59.7760, 1001.5078}, 1, 1000, 4600, 22, 10, "Burger Shot", 0},

// 24/7 2
{21, {-1617.2423, 1122.7692, 7.1875}, {-27.4370, -57.7182, 1003.5469}, {-23.2931, -55.1251, 1003.5469}, 1, 1000, 4500, 23, 6, "24/7", 0},

// Sex Shop
{22, {-2128.6099, 707.1724, 69.5625}, {-100.4073, -24.4975, 1000.7188}, {-106.5551, -8.3633, 1000.7188}, 1, 1000, 4500, 24, 3, "Sex Shop", 0},

// Supa Save
{23, {-2442.6143, 754.8221, 35.1719}, {2840.7444, 2444.7473, 1786.4811}, {2829.8132, 2450.0747, 1786.4811}, 1, 1000, 4500, 27, 90, "Supa Save", 0},

// Church
{25, {-1989.3439, 1117.9285, 54.4688}, {1964.0349, -350.0543, 1092.9454}, {1964.0084, -368.7664, 1093.7289}, 1, 1000, 4500, 28, 1, "Church", 0},

// Suburban
{26, {-2491.3083, -29.0240, 25.7656}, {203.8098, -49.9331, 1001.8047}, {203.8152, -39.8591, 1001.8047}, 1, 1000, 4500, 29, 1, "Suburban", 0},

// Barber Shop
{27, {-2242.6484, 674.1745, 49.4453}, {418.6246, -83.8433, 1001.8047}, {418.3450, -75.4491, 1001.8047}, 1, 1000, 4500, 30, 3, "Barber Shop", 0},

// Gaydar Station
{28, {-2551.1594, 193.7173, 6.2271}, {493.4372, -24.1395, 1000.6797}, {474.8086, -13.9634, 1003.6953}, 1, 1000, 4500, 31, 17, "Gaydar Station", 0},

// Bank
{29, {-1493.8738, 920.0506, 7.1875}, {2305.4355, -16.1922, 26.7496}, {1000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0}, 1, 400, 3000, 32, 0, "San Fierro Bank", 0},

// Prolaps
{30, {-2048.9309,554.4623,35.1719}, {206.9717,-139.9056,1003.5078}, {207.2258,-130.0585,1003.5078}, 1, 1000, 4500, 33, 3, "Pro Laps", 0},

// Sex Shop 2
{31, {-2156.8938,151.3933,35.3203}, {-100.4073,-24.4975,1000.7188}, {-106.5551, -8.3633, 1000.7188}, 1, 1000, 4500, 34, 3, "Sex Shop", 0},

// 24/7 4
{32, {-1675.8157,431.9064,7.1797}, {-31.0479,-91.4085,1003.5469}, {-27.9660,-89.7442,1003.5469}, 1, 1000, 4500, 35, 16, "Gas Station", 0},

// Bar
{33, {-2177.4419,-42.2777,35.3125}, {501.9236,-68.1505,998.7578}, {496.5446,-75.3861,998.7578}, 1, 1000, 4500, 36, 11, "10 Green Bottles", 0},

new checkpointIndex[MAX_ROB_CHECKPOINT][3],
new Text3D:checkpointLabel[MAX_ROB_CHECKPOINT][3][2];

public placeAllCheckpoints()
new i = 0;

checkpointIndex[i][0] = CreateDynamicCP(checkpointData[i][enterpointLoc][0], checkpointData[i][enterpointLoc][1], checkpointData[i][enterpointLoc][2], 1.5, -1, -1, -1, 100.0);
checkpointIndex[i][1] = CreateDynamicCP(checkpointData[i][exitpointLoc][0], checkpointData[i][exitpointLoc][1], checkpointData[i][exitpointLoc][2], 1.5, checkpointData[i][virtualWorld], checkpointData[i][interiorWorld], -1, 100.0);
checkpointIndex[i][2] = CreateDynamicCP(checkpointData[i][robpointLoc][0], checkpointData[i][robpointLoc][1], checkpointData[i][robpointLoc][2], 1.5, checkpointData[i][virtualWorld], checkpointData[i][interiorWorld], -1, 100.0);
checkpointLabel[i][0][0] = Create3DTextLabel("[ENTER]", COLOR_YELLOW, checkpointData[i][enterpointLoc][0], checkpointData[i][enterpointLoc][1], checkpointData[i][enterpointLoc][2] + 0.2, 7.5, 0, 1);
checkpointLabel[i][0][1] = Create3DTextLabel(checkpointData[i][storeName], COLOR_WHITE, checkpointData[i][enterpointLoc][0], checkpointData[i][enterpointLoc][1], checkpointData[i][enterpointLoc][2] + 0.05, 7.5, 0, 1);
checkpointLabel[i][1][0] = Create3DTextLabel("[ROBBERY]", COLOR_YELLOW, checkpointData[i][robpointLoc][0], checkpointData[i][robpointLoc][1], checkpointData[i][robpointLoc][2] + 0.2, 7.5, checkpointData[i][virtualWorld], 1);
checkpointLabel[i][1][1] = Create3DTextLabel(checkpointData[i][storeName], COLOR_WHITE, checkpointData[i][robpointLoc][0], checkpointData[i][robpointLoc][1], checkpointData[i][robpointLoc][2] + 0.05, 7.5, checkpointData[i][virtualWorld], 1);
checkpointLabel[i][2][0] = Create3DTextLabel("[EXIT]", COLOR_YELLOW, checkpointData[i][exitpointLoc][0], checkpointData[i][exitpointLoc][1], checkpointData[i][exitpointLoc][2] + 0.2, 7.5, checkpointData[i][virtualWorld], 1);
checkpointLabel[i][2][1] = Create3DTextLabel(checkpointData[i][storeName], COLOR_WHITE, checkpointData[i][exitpointLoc][0], checkpointData[i][exitpointLoc][1], checkpointData[i][exitpointLoc][2] + 0.05, 7.5, checkpointData[i][virtualWorld], 1);


// Hospital checkpoint
hospitalCP = CreateDynamicCP(-2646.3896, 637.6770, 14.4531, 1.5, -1, -1, -1, 100.0);
Create3DTextLabel("[HOSPITAL]", COLOR_YELLOW, -2646.3896, 637.6770, 14.4531 + 0.2, 7.5, 0, 1);

// Gym checkpoint
gymCP = CreateDynamicCP(768.3436, -36.8582, 1000.6865, 1.5, 11, 6, -1, 100.0);
Create3DTextLabel("[FIGHT STYLES]", COLOR_YELLOW, 768.3436, -36.8582, 1000.6865 + 0.2, 7.5, 11, 1);

// Ammunation checkpoint
ammuCP = CreateDynamicCP(307.6529, -140.9446, 999.6016, 1.5, 14, 7, -1, 100.0);
Create3DTextLabel("[AMMUNATION]", COLOR_YELLOW, 307.6529, -140.9446, 999.6016 + 0.2, 7.5, 14, 1);

// VIP Entrance
VIPCP1 = CreateDynamicCP(-1782.9896, 572.3909, 35.1641, 1.5, -1, 0, -1, 100.0);
Create3DTextLabel("[VIP LOUNGE]", COLOR_YELLOW, -1782.9896, 572.3909, 35.1641 + 0.2, 7.5, 0, 1);

// VIP Exit
VIPCP2 = CreateDynamicCP(-795.0171, 489.8672, 1376.1953, 1.5, 80, 1, -1, 100.0);
Create3DTextLabel("[EXIT]", COLOR_YELLOW, -795.0171, 489.8672, 1376.1953 + 0.2, 7.5, 80, 1);

// City Hall Entrance
CITYHALL1 = CreateDynamicCP(-2765.6812, 375.5376, 6.3359, 1.5, -1, 0, -1, 100.0);
Create3DTextLabel("[CITY HALL]", COLOR_YELLOW, -2765.6812, 375.5376, 6.3359 + 0.2, 7.5, 0, 1);

// City Hall Exit
CITYHALL2 = CreateDynamicCP(388.7112, 173.7509, 1008.3828, 1.5, 80, 3, -1, 100.0);
Create3DTextLabel("[EXIT]", COLOR_YELLOW, 388.7112, 173.7509, 1008.3828 + 0.2, 7.5, 80, 1);

// City Hall Exit
CITYHALL3 = CreateDynamicCP(364.6031, 173.7774, 1008.3893, 1.5, 80, 3, -1, 100.0);
Create3DTextLabel("City Hall", COLOR_YELLOW, 364.6031,173.7774,1008.3893 + 0.2, 7.5, 80, 1);

// Undercover Police CP
PoliceCP = CreateDynamicCP(-1593.0814, 716.0906, -5.2422, 1.5, -1, 0, -1, 100.0);
Create3DTextLabel("/undercover", COLOR_YELLOW, -1593.0814, 716.0906, -5.2422 + 0.2, 7.5, 0, 1);

// CIA Dropoff CP
Dropoff1CP = CreateDynamicCP(-2441.1772, 523.7015, 29.9075, 1.5, -1, 0, -1, 100.0);
Create3DTextLabel("/dropoff", COLOR_YELLOW, -2441.1772, 523.7015, 29.9075 + 0.2, 7.5, 0, 1);

// Police Dropoff CP
Dropoff2CP = CreateDynamicCP(-1606.5209, 674.1558, -5.2422, 1.5, -1, 0, -1, 100.0);
Create3DTextLabel("/dropoff", COLOR_YELLOW, -1606.5209, 674.1558, -5.2422 + 0.2, 7.5, 0, 1);

// Car Drop Off
CardropCP = CreateDynamicCP(-1734.0756, 190.9162, 3.5547, 1.5, -1, 0, -1, 100.0);
Create3DTextLabel("/cardrop", COLOR_YELLOW, -1734.0756, 190.9162, 3.5547 + 0.2, 7.5, 0, 1);

// Bank CP
bankCP = CreateDynamicCP(-472.4395,-204.2902,985.3784, 1.5, 32, 0, -1, 100.0);
Create3DTextLabel("[Bank Menu]", COLOR_YELLOW, 2316.2422, -9.9132, 26.7422 + 0.2, 7.5, 32, 1);

public OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP(playerid, checkpointid)
new message[128], tickCountResult = GetTickCount(), reducedValue;
if(playerData[playerid][playerJailTime] <= 0)
for(new i; i < MAX_ROB_CHECKPOINT; i++)
if(checkpointid == checkpointIndex[i][0])
reducedValue = tickCountResult - playerData[playerid][playerCheckpointTime];

if(reducedValue > 3000)
playerData[playerid][playerCheckpointTime] = GetTickCount();

SetPlayerPos(playerid, checkpointData[i][exitpointLoc][0], checkpointData[i][exitpointLoc][1], checkpointData[i][exitpointLoc][2]);
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, checkpointData[i][interiorWorld]);
SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, checkpointData[i][virtualWorld]);

if(checkpointid == checkpointIndex[i][1])
reducedValue = tickCountResult - playerData[playerid][playerCheckpointTime];

if(reducedValue > 3000)
playerData[playerid][playerCheckpointTime] = GetTickCount();

SetPlayerPos(playerid, checkpointData[i][enterpointLoc][0], checkpointData[i][enterpointLoc][1], checkpointData[i][enterpointLoc][2]);
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);

if(checkpointid == checkpointIndex[i][2])
if(playerData[playerid][playerClass] == CLASS_CIVILIAN)
format(message, sizeof(message), "{FFFF00}[HELP] {FFFFFF}Use L ALT or /robstore to begin a robbery!");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, message);

// Hospital checkpoint
if(checkpointid == hospitalCP)
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_HOSPITAL, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Hospital", "Full Health {D87C3E}$1,000{FFFFFF} \nCure STDs {D87C3E}$2,000{FFFFFF}", "Go", "Cancel");

// Gym checkpoint
if(checkpointid == gymCP)
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_GYM, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Gym", "Default {D87C3E}FREE{FFFFFF} \nBoxing {D87C3E}$20,000{FFFFFF} \nKungfu {D87C3E}$15,000{FFFFFF} \nKnee-head {D87C3E}$12,000{FFFFFF} \nGrab-kick {D87C3E}$10,000{FFFFFF} \nElbow {D87C3E}$8,000{FFFFFF}", "Go", "Cancel");

// Ammunation checkpoint
/*if(checkpointid == ammuCP)
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_AMMU, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Ammunation", "MP5 {D87C3E}$1,000{FFFFFF} \nCombat Shotgun {D87C3E}$2,000{FFFFFF} \nSawnoff Shotgun {D87C3E}$3,000{FFFFFF}\nDesert Eagle {D87C3E}$2,500{FFFFFF}", "Go", "Cancel");

// Ammunation checkpoint
if(checkpointid == ammuCP)
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_AMMU, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Ammunation", "Melee\nHanguns\nSub-machine guns\nShotguns\nAssault rifles\nRifles", "Go", "Cancel");

// Bank checkpoint
if(checkpointid == bankCP)
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_BANK, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "San Fierro Bank", "Account Information \nWithdraw Cash \nDeposit Cash", "Go", "Cancel");

// City Hall checkpoint
if(checkpointid == CITYHALL3)
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_CITYHALL, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "City Hall", "Job Change {D87C3E}$5,000{FFFFFF}\n", "Go", "Cancel");

// VIP Entrance
if(checkpointid == VIPCP1)
if (playerData[playerid][playerVIPLevel] >= 1)
// Allowed to enter
reducedValue = tickCountResult - playerData[playerid][playerCheckpointTime];

if(reducedValue > 3000)
playerData[playerid][playerCheckpointTime] = GetTickCount();

SetPlayerPos(playerid, -795.0171, 489.8672, 1376.1953);
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 1);
SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 80);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "{B7B7B7}[VIP LOUNGE] {FFFFFF}Welcome to the VIP Lounge.");
// Not allowed to enter
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "{B7B7B7}[SERVER] {FFFFFF}Only VIPs can enter the lounge.");

// VIP Exit
if(checkpointid == VIPCP2)
reducedValue = tickCountResult - playerData[playerid][playerCheckpointTime];

if(reducedValue > 3000)
playerData[playerid][playerCheckpointTime] = GetTickCount();

SetPlayerPos(playerid, -1782.9896, 572.3909, 35.1641);
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);

// City Hall Entrance
if(checkpointid == CITYHALL1)
// Allowed to enter
reducedValue = tickCountResult - playerData[playerid][playerCheckpointTime];

if(reducedValue > 3000)
playerData[playerid][playerCheckpointTime] = GetTickCount();

SetPlayerPos(playerid, 388.7112, 173.7509, 1008.382;
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 3);
SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 80);

// City Hall Exit
if(checkpointid == CITYHALL2)
reducedValue = tickCountResult - playerData[playerid][playerCheckpointTime];

if(reducedValue > 3000)
playerData[playerid][playerCheckpointTime] = GetTickCount();

SetPlayerPos(playerid, -2765.6812, 375.5376, 6.3359);
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);


Mark the lines 129, 132 and 143

alog[] must begin from 0, not 1

The lines are from cnr_robbe and not from the script you posted.

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