SQLite & rBits Help.

Alright, so I just started learning SQLite today, along with the usage of rBits(By Ryder`)
My problem is that when I register a account, and logout, it doesn't save.
It use too, when I did everything by the tutorial by Lorenc_ and then I tried adding more stuff to save
And it messed it up, I know what to do to get it back how it was, but my question is what is wrong with what I did?
If I try to login it says I'm not registered(Even though I previously did register.) and my SKILL is set to 3 instead of 0.
I typed in /skill which sets that Players skill to 3, and then logged out and made a NEW account, and that players skill is also 3. Here is my Login / Register dialogs:

pawn Код:
if(dialogid == 1)
            format(Query, sizeof(Query), "SELECT * FROM `USERS` WHERE `NAME` = '%s' COLLATE NOCASE AND `PASSWORD` = '%s'", DB_Escape(name), DB_Escape(inputtext));
            Result = db_query(Database, Query);
                new Field[ 20 ];
                db_get_field_assoc(Result, "SCORE", Field, 30);
                SetPlayerScore(playerid, strval(Field));
                db_get_field_assoc(Result, "CASH", Field, 30);
                GivePlayerMoney(playerid, strval(Field));
                db_get_field_assoc(Result, "SKILL", Field, 30);
                Bit8_Set(pData_8Bit[e_Skill], playerid, strval(Field));
                db_get_field_assoc(Result, "VOWNED", Field, 30);
                Bit8_Set(pData_8Bit[e_vOwned], playerid, strval(Field));
                db_get_field_assoc(Result, "AROUNDS", Field, 30);
                Bit8_Set(pData_8Bit[e_aRounds], playerid, strval(Field));
                db_get_field_assoc(Result, "ADMINLEVEL", Field, 30);
                Bit16_Set(g_AdminLevel, playerid, strval(Field));
                Bit1_Set(g_PlayerLogged, playerid, true);
                SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You have "COL_GREEN"successfully{FFFFFF} logged in! ");
                format(Query, sizeof(Query), "{FFFFFF}Welcome "COL_BLUE" %s(%d){FFFFFF} to Neptune T:DM\nPlease login below.", name, playerid);
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "{FFFFFF}Login System", Query, "Login", "Leave");
                SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, ""COL_RED"Invalid password, {FFFFFF}Reinput your pass.");
        else return Kick(playerid);
    if(dialogid == 0)
            if(strlen(inputtext) > 24 || strlen(inputtext) < 3)
                format(Query, sizeof(Query), "{FFFFFF}Welcome "COL_BLUE" %s(%d){FFFFFF} to the server, you're "COL_RED"NOT{FFFFFF} registered\n\nPlease log in by inputting your password.", name, playerid);
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 0, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "{FFFFFF}Register System", Query, "Register", "Leave");
                SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Your password length must be from 3 - 24 characters!");
                format(Query, sizeof(Query), "INSERT INTO `USERS` (`NAME`, `PASSWORD`, `IP`, `SCORE`, `CASH`, `SKILL`, `VOWNED`, `AROUNDS`, `ADMINLEVEL`) VALUES('%s','%s','%s', '0', '500', '0', '0', '0', '0')", DB_Escape(name), DB_Escape(inputtext), DB_Escape(ip));
                db_query(Database, Query);
                Bit1_Set(g_PlayerLogged, playerid, true);
                GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 500);
                SetPlayerScore(playerid, 0);
                SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You have "COL_GREEN"successfully{FFFFFF} registered! You have been automatically logged in!");
        else return Kick(playerid);
Other stuff you might need?
pawn Код:
// On Player Connect
        Query[ 150 ],
        DBResult: Result,
        name[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ]
    GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name));

    Bit1_Set(g_PlayerLogged, playerid, false);

    format(Query, sizeof(Query), "SELECT `NAME` FROM `USERS` WHERE `NAME` = '%s' COLLATE NOCASE", DB_Escape(name));
    Result = db_query(Database, Query);
        format(Query, sizeof(Query), "{FFFFFF}Hello "COL_BLUE"%s(%d){FFFFFF} Welcome back to Neptune Gaming T:DM !\n\nEnter your password below.", name, playerid);
        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "{FFFFFF}Account System", Query, "Login", "Leave");
        format(Query, sizeof(Query), "{FFFFFF}Welcome "COL_BLUE" %s(%d){FFFFFF} to the server, you're "COL_RED"NOT{FFFFFF} registered\n\nPlease register below.", name, playerid);
        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 0, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "{FFFFFF}Register System", Query, "Register", "Leave");

//Top of Script
enum e_Bit8_pData

    Bit8: pData_8Bit[e_Bit8_pData] <MAX_PLAYERS>

    Bit1:  g_PlayerLogged       <MAX_PLAYERS>, // Creates a 1 bit array
    Bit16: g_AdminLevel         <MAX_PLAYERS>, // Creates a 16 bit array again.
    DB: Database
As I said, I'm just learning SQLite and usage of rBits today, so if I did anything wrong or there is a better way, please let me know! It'd be greatly appreciated.

In OnDialogResponse, are you sure the size of Query is enough to store the whole text? If it's not enough, the query will fail so it won't insert a new row.
Also do you get the name at the top of the callback? Because I see you use: "DB_Escape(name)" and if you don't, the query will probably fail.

Yes it's getting the name. I upped the Query size alot, and I still get the same issue.

This might help you: https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=468260

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