Help with teamchat threw frequencies


Im trying to make a radio/walkie talkie system. If you want to setup a teamchat you only have to set eachothers
radio frequencie to the same level.

the getfrequentie i made here returns the correct frequencie a player has set.

pawn Код:
new TotalFreqientie[MAX_PLAYERS];

stock GetPlayerFrequentie(playerid)
    new frq[20];
    format(frq, sizeof(frq), "%d.%d", FreqCount1[playerid],FreqCount2[playerid]);
    new TotalFreqientie[playerid] = GetPVarInt(playerid,frq);
    return 1;

I just cant get the chat itself to work. (in some tryouts the text showed for all and some not at all)

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[])
    if(text[0] == '!')
    new string[100];
    new sendername[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
    GetPlayerName(playerid, sendername, sizeof(sendername));
    format(string, sizeof(string),":Radio: %s: %s", sendername,text[1]);
    for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)//foreach(Player,i)
    //    new frequentie = GetPlayerFrequentie(i);
    return 0;

    return 1;
What should i do on onplayertext to make it work ?

Where do you SET the player's frequency. I can make a much better alternative to this to make it work easier.

pawn Код:
if(GetPVarInt(i, "TotalFreqientie")) == GetPVarInt(playerid, "TotalFreqientie"))
Player radio frequency should be equal to the frequency of 'i' to chat? Do you want it like this?

Also, you don't set any value to the variable?
pawn Код:
stock GetPlayerFrequentie(playerid)
    new frq[20];
    format(frq, sizeof(frq), "%d.%d", FreqCount1[playerid],FreqCount2[playerid]);
    SetPVarInt(playerid, "TotalFrequientie", frq);
    return 1;
EDIT: I think, you can simply do return frq; without setting any variable in the stock and use it.
EDIT2: And you don't need to use the [playerid] tags with the variable when you are using PVars because they are already player variables.

sorry here;

pawn Код:
stock SetPlayerFrequentie(playerid)
    new Sfrq[20];
    format(Sfrq, sizeof(Sfrq), "%d.%d", FreqCount1[playerid],FreqCount2[playerid]);
    return 1;
Syntaxq said: Player radio frequency should be equal to the frequency of 'i' to chat? Do you want it like this?
Answer : yes i do. ill try it your way


@BenzoAMG : yes id like to see the alternative so i can actually learn something.

if(GetPVarInt(i, "TotalFreqientie")) == GetPVarInt(playerid, "TotalFreqientie"))

should be

if(GetPVarInt(i, "TotalFreqientie") == GetPVarInt(playerid, "TotalFreqientie"))

Yea i fixed that but still all players get to see the chat when frequency is different

Well just store the values in the array and compare only the array in OnPlayerText
pawn Код:
static const
    pFreqFrac = 100
static stock
stock SetPlayerFrequency(playerid, freq1, freq2) {
    pFrequency[playerid] = freq1 * pFreqFrac + freq2 % pFreqFrac;
stock GetPlayerFrequency(playerid, & freq1, & freq2) {
    freq1 = pFrequency[playerid] / pFreqFrac;
    freq2 = pFrequency[playerid] % pFreqFrac;
stock GetPlayerFrequencyV(playerid) {
    return pFrequency[playerid];
pawn Код:
// OnPlayerText
    if(text[0] == '!') {
            freq = GetPlayerFrequencyV(playerid)
        GetPlayerName(playerid, string, MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
        format(string, sizeof string, ":Radio: %s: %s", string, text[1]);

        for(new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) {
            if(GetPlayerFrequencyV(i) == freq) {
                SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, string);
        return 0;

It's still not working, now we are't even able to normal chat;
We'll just try to go from scratch, it's better; Meanwhile, any ideas are way more then appreciated

Originally Posted by LowRyder
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It's still not working, now we are't even able to normal chat;
We'll just try to go from scratch, it's better; Meanwhile, any ideas are way more then appreciated
lol return 0 for the radio chat and return 1 for normal chat otherwise you get that problem

Personally, I would just use a float value for the radio frequency.

pawn Код:
stock SetPlayerFrequentie(playerid)
    new str[20];
    Frequency[playerid] = (random(1000) / 100);
    format(str, sizeof(str), "Frequency: %0.2f", Frequency[playerid]);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, str);
    return 1;
Then at the top of your script, or in your enum:
pawn Код:
//New var
new Float:Frequency[MAX_PLAYERS];


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