MySQL system (BlueG's R5)

I know that R5 is not that recent release but I just started off with MySQL a few days ago, after watching tutorials about the SQL thing itself, queries, tables, rows, databases...etc I decided to try to make a simple log/register gamemode to check the my understanding/like a self-test.

So, here's the code
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    if(mysql_ping()) print("MySQL connection is still alive!"); // self explanatory
    if(!mysql_ping()) print("MySQL connection is dead!"); //    ^

//  new query[126]; // just ignore this query for now
//  format(query,sizeof(query), "SELECT name FROM users WHERE name = '%s'", GetName(playerid));
    mysql_query("SELECT name FROM users WHERE name = 'his'");
    if(mysql_num_rows() == 1)
        SendClientMessage(playerid,-1, "You are registered.");
        SendClientMessage(playerid,-1, "Doesn't exist.");
    return 1;
Okay so I have the mysql_connect under OnGameModeInit, mysql_close under OnGameModeExit and I have the users table and created a new row for "his" as a name, and when I run
pawn Код:
SELECT name FROM users WHERE name='his'
on the SQL query it runs perfectly fine and returns the column name having 'his'

The problem is, when I login into the game after hosting the GM, it says "Doesn't Exist", I thought it was something with the query that I formated, decided to try a normal one like name = 'his' after it worked on the sql query (phpmyadmin one) and yet still fails. So I kinda need help with mysql_store_results and mysql_num_rows on how to use/advices..etc

EDIT:I have the mysql_ping check on OnPlayerSpawn, OnPlayerRequestSpawn,OnplayerConnect OnPlayerDisconnect and it says connection it is alive.

pawn Код:
stock GetName(playerid)
    new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
    return name;
Thanks in regards,
Matt Tucker.

You need use player stock inside mysql:
pawn Код:
format(string, sizeof(string), "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `username` = '%s'", MName(playerid));
stock MName(playerid)
    new Name[24];
    GetPlayerName(playerid, Name, sizeof(Name));
    return Name;

I will test it soon but why do I select all when I only need the name? Wouldn't it be unwise to select all if the variables were too much? (no offence)

No Problem, I am cold man, okay I didint noticed you edit2, okay that's fine and you don't need use my stock
I fixed you code and you need use string:
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
            new query[128], pname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
            GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, sizeof(pname));
            format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT `name` FROM `users` WHERE `username`='%e'", pname);
            if (mysql_fetch_field("name", data))
            SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You dont have account!");

@MacT, it still says Doesn't exist.
Anyway thanks for helping I'll keep on trying to fix it myself.

Man, dont give up, your problem is my problem and we can try fix this together. I try fix you code. Have you setting up database file and uploaded to phpmyadmin ?

Yeah everything is set up having a useraccount with name and such, I'll try another way around though.

Nice spirit you got over there lol.

Not sure if this will help you that much but you can get an idea of how it should work.
pawn Код:
stock InitPlayerConnection( playerid )
    new Query[ 128 ], Name[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ], EscapedName[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ];
    GetPlayerName( playerid, Name, sizeof( Name ) );
    mysql_real_escape_string( Name, EscapedName );
    #pragma unused Name
    format( Query, sizeof( Query ), "SELECT `UserID` FROM `Accounts` WHERE `Username` = '%s'", EscapedName );
    mysql_query( Query );
    printf(" SQL: %s",Query);
    if( mysql_num_rows() >= 1 )
        PlayerInfo[playerid][pDatabaseID] = mysql_fetch_int();
        // Start shit
        new string[128];
        format( string, sizeof( string ), "{FFFFFF}Welcome back {00C0FF}%s{FFFFFF}!\nYou have 60 seconds to login\nEnter Your Password", GetPlayerNameEx(playerid) );
        ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, 1, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"{6EF83C}RP:RP{FFFFFF}",string, "Login", "Exit" );
        SetTimerEx("LogTimer", 60000, 0, "d", playerid);
        TogglePlayerSpectating(playerid, 1);
        gPlayerLogged[playerid] = 0;
        gPlayerLogged[playerid] = 0;
        ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, 2, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "{6EF83C}Registration Process{FFFFFF}", "Hello there!\n\nPlease enter a password to register.", "Register", "Cancel" );
    return 1;

I just re-edit my code:
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
            new query[128], pname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
            GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, sizeof(pname));
            format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT `name` FROM `users` WHERE `username`='%e'", pname);
            if (mysql_fetch_field("name", data))
            SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You dont have account!");
            return 1;
Maybe you need use real_escape for avoiding sql incjection.

Thank you guys for your help but still the same problem, I will re-check the tables database and everything again.

Rep'd you both.

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