20.05.2014, 17:58
Simple server.cfg Method
With a simple method server.cfg 'I also want to make some of the essentials methods, we wanted to share the name of this topic.
For example, I made one as an example:
Be careful, you do not want to set a password to the server "password []" portion blank.
Server cfg active method method to be able to completely fill in a form OnGameModeInit complete public can add or OnFilterScriptInit etc. Remember, password [] is not required to fill out.
With a simple method server.cfg 'I also want to make some of the essentials methods, we wanted to share the name of this topic.
pawn Код:
stock server_cfg(hostname[],weburl[],worldtime,mapname[],password[],filterscripts[],plugins[],announce,chatlogging,rcon_password[],gmodetext[])
hostn[500],webu[90],wtime[15],mname[100],passw[500],fsc[900], plg[900], ann[2], clog[2], rPass[500], gText[500]
format(hostn, sizeof hostn, "hostname %s",hostname),format(webu, sizeof webu, "weburl %s",weburl),format(wtime, sizeof wtime, "worldtime %d", wtime);
format(mname, sizeof mname, "mapname %s", mapname),format(passw, sizeof passw, "password %s", password),format(fsc, sizeof fsc, "filterscripts %s",filterscripts),format(plg, sizeof plg, "plugins %s",plugins);
format(ann, sizeof ann, "ann %s",plugins),format(clog, sizeof clog, "chatlogging %s",chatlogging),format(rPass, sizeof rPass, "rcon_password %s",rcon_password), format(gText, sizeof gText, "gamemodetext %s", gmodetext);
return (1);
pawn Код:
pawn Код:
server_cfg("SA-MP 0.3z Server","www.sa-mp.com",12,"San Andreas","","xStreamer bla bla..","sscanf",1,1,"changeme","Simple Script");
Server cfg active method method to be able to completely fill in a form OnGameModeInit complete public can add or OnFilterScriptInit etc. Remember, password [] is not required to fill out.
Notepad + + is written in, your fault somehow inappropriate.