Little help.

Hello everybody. I spotted new bug. But I don`t see any problem. This codes are for ordering one zone for spawn random zone.
pawn Код:
    for(new i = 1; i < 5; i++)
        new RandomZone;
        RandomZone = random(sizeof(GangZones));

        if(GangZones[RandomZone][OwnerTeam] != 0)
            goto GenerateRandomZone;
        GangZones[RandomZone][OwnerTeam] = i;
Debug stucks at number 2.. please help me.

Anyone? Sorry for double posting but it`s urgent

First of all, avoid using 'goto.' (probably a recursive func) (AFAIK, that's what is USUALLY suggested)

Secondly, I have no idea what you're trying to do (If GangZones array is reset, I guess the first time you run this code, it will never be satisfied, right?)

Can you explain more? (where you set it, etc)

Originally Posted by RajatPawar
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First of all, avoid using 'goto.' (probably a recursive func) (AFAIK, that's what is USUALLY suggested)

Secondly, I have no idea what you're trying to do (If GangZones array is reset, I guess the first time you run this code, it will never be satisfied, right?)

Can you explain more?
Look code says. It`s taking random zone from array. In that array are coordinates of spawn,zone cordinates,then code is checking if team don`t have zone then it will generate zone automaticly and gave it to team. And bug is on point 2 that means on generating random zone.

That's not helpful, I know what it does, I asked what you wanted it to do, and where you set 'OwnerTeam', etc. Why don't you add prints as to what "GangZones[RandomZone][OwnerTeam]" is, below where you use goto, it will kind of really help you resolve the issue.

pawn Код:
printf("Condition check: GangZones[%d][OwnerTeam]: Checking if (%d != 0)", RandomZone, GangZones[RandomZone][OwnerTeam]);

Originally Posted by RajatPawar
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That's not helpful, I know what it does, I asked what you wanted it to do, and where you set 'OwnerTeam', etc. Why don't you add prints as to what "GangZones[RandomZone][OwnerTeam]" is, below where you use goto, it will kind of really help you resolve the issue.

pawn Код:
printf("Condition check: GangZones[%d][OwnerTeam]: Checking if (%d != 0)", RandomZone, GangZones[RandomZone][OwnerTeam]);
Well here is print results
[13:03:58] 0
[13:03:58] 1
[13:03:58] Condition check: GangZones[0][OwnerTeam]: Checking if (0 != 0)
OwnerTeam is variable which checks who is owner of the zone which team.I have 4 teams on the server.

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