30.04.2014, 04:29
hello ! i got a problem in my server, when i quit for example the time is 7:00 and join again, the time go back away to start 0:00 , how can i sync to just continue its time even i quit the server?
new timeshift = -1;
new shifthour;
forward FixHour(hour);
public FixHour(hour)
hour = timeshift+hour;
if(hour < 0) { hour = hour+24; }
else if(hour > 23) { hour = hour-24; }
shifthour = hour;
return 1;
new timeshift = -1;
new shifthour;
forward FixHour(hour);
public FixHour(hour)
hour = timeshift+hour;
if(hour < 0) { hour = hour+24; }
else if(hour > 23) { hour = hour-24; }
shifthour = hour;
return 1;
C:\Users\Louis Alcosaba\Desktop\SAMP GAMEMODES\MWCNR\Most Wanted Cops and Robbers v1.1\gamemodes\MWCNR.pwn(1600) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "shifthour" Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 1 Warning.
shifthour = hour;