why rcon (REPS)

When i write /Rcon login XXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Suddenly Appear


Maybe you have filterscripts / includes, which kick / ban any player, who write "/rcon login ..."
Try to turn off your security FS / remove security include, and try to log in again (but don't remove your security permanently - do this just to find a solution for current issue).

Originally Posted by therainycat
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Maybe you have filterscripts / includes, which kick / ban any player, who write "/rcon login ..."
Try to turn off your security FS / remove security include, and try to log in again (but don't remove your security permanently - do this just to find a solution for current issue).

I think you have WS system on, I had the same problem before, or most likely you know the Rcon but you're not admin IG..
IDK your script but there's should be "BizOwner=0" on userfiles (Your_account.ini), try making it 1 [BizOwner=1] and then go in game /makeadmin then /rcon login.
Or "AdminLevel=0" make it "AdminLevel=99999" so you can use the /rcon.
This is what i think yo, ain't a scripter.. so dont get it wrong.. I might be wrong, who knows..

Originally Posted by GeasyW
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I think you have WS system on, I had the same problem before, or most likely you know the Rcon but you're not admin IG..
IDK your script but there's should be "BizOwner=0" on userfiles (Your_account.ini), try making it 1 [BizOwner=1] and then go in game /makeadmin then /rcon login.
Or "AdminLevel=0" make it "AdminLevel=99999" so you can use the /rcon.
This is what i think yo, ain't a scripter.. so dont get it wrong.. I might be wrong, who knows..
Not a clue what you are doing...

Try to find any other piece of code in your server which uses the OnRconLogin callback, or anything related to that. Your best call would be to identify and modify that piece of code.

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