Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Error or ???

i have got a bug not cuz this cause any problem but this is a little annoying for my eyes .........
i have pawn compiler 3.2.3664 and when i compile the script something strange happens ...
all the script lines gets together ....

Example this:
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerRequestClass(playerid, classid)
    //this is test
    return 1;
public OnPlayerRequestSpawn(playerid)
   //this is test
   return 1;
will change to aliens script
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerRequestClass(playerid, classid){
//this is test
return 1;}
public OnPlayerRequestSpawn(playerid){//this is test
return 1;}
need help as soon as possible!

reinstall ur gta and samp

will try but how i may change my gamemode like it was
it is that possible??

Originally Posted by VIP475
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reinstall ur gta and samp
that's not going to effect anything.

can't you check the settings, on the pawn.exe

Originally Posted by VIP475
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reinstall ur gta and samp
No. There is a Troyan virus on his account on steam that's why he must re-install windows 7 because windows xp is cheaper than a GTA 5 disc which can't be used on a PC. Am I right?

OT: Do what Yves said, that might help you.

First things first. Are you using the most up-to-date compiler? Second, what IDE (program-to-edit-pwn-scripts) are you using?

i tried to download a new compiler version and now i got that aliens script.
after i downloaded i pressed f5 to see if everything is right, but there was all just fine....
after some hours i started adding something new i saw the gamemode was all changed.......

you guys think that will cause any error in future ??
or it is ok?

Something is wrong with your compiler settings. Put your new pawn compiler in a different folder than your usual one as your AppData might have made back ups of said settings.

its fixed now. problem was at settings.
but my gamemode is still in aliens mode.... -_-
i need 1 year now to change it like it was -_-
thanks all for your support

Originally Posted by VIP475
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reinstall ur gta and samp

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