[GameMode] Simple Login and Spawn System [Beginneers]

So I'm just dabbling a bit into basic coding, and I decided to release the basic login system I made for beginners getting started with Code and might need a basic system to log in and spawn with. There isn't much in this, it only contains a hash in passwords, the spawn area, the starters cash and skin. Very basic, but it is only a login system so what do you expect?

You should have no errors at all, good luck, and I hope you can find a use for this system, to make it bigger and better or use it in a bigger project. Who knows...


This is not a fliterscript section lol

What saving system? INI or..?

you've entered in wrong section :/

You want someone to download a file without putting interest for them? There is a lot of login systems released, I ask you what makes your's any special? Put some screenshots and explain your system and what type is it MYSQL or what.

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