Streamer Plugin Error: Include File Version does not Match...

"*** Streamer Plugin: Warning: Include file version (0x26104) does not match plugin version (0x26105) (script might need to be recompiled with the latest include file)" - SA-MP Sever Log...
It says that. I have been searching for the server VERSION FOREVER, but I have not found it - where is it? Can you give me the download? I have been searching far and wide. Please help me. This is killing me ~~~

Look, I have the latest streamer plugin: Streamer Plugin 2.7.1 and I placed it into PLUGIN folder the .so(b/c my host is linux-based) then I went into pawno and placed into the includes folder of PAWNO - Then I compiled it but it gives me this error when I try to start why?
I am using STREAMER PLUGIN 2.7.1

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