Webdevs, what's your workbench?

There are hundreds of awesome tools which really help with development. Which ones do you use for frontend/webapps development?
  • Sublime 3 - gotta say, transition from netbeans was best choice in my life. Multiple cursors, snippets, easy to write custom plugins, thousands of packages. All-around editor (I recommend it for everything, except as a visual studio replacement)
  • ******* Bootstrap (who knew there are people who use that original websites, not looking like stock theme? Can be replaced with standard grid/responsive system though)
  • Emmet - Rapid html skeleton development
  • sass + compass - extended powers of CSS generation (SCSS represent)
  • Grunt - single command to rule them all!
  • Bower - package manager for javascript
  • AngularJS, interchangebly with Backbone, or for more robustness Ember
  • Yeoman - to bind all of those together
There are some libs too - jQuery, modernizr, underscore.js, but I guess you are familiar with those.

Quite a list, but gotta keep doing one thing.

I'm interested if there are tools which you use in everyday development I haven't heard of. Please share!

Notepad++ and JQuery.

I don't use all that other stock pile elements and other stuff.

Notepad++ for the simplicity in both design and functionality without the loss of features.

Programmers Notepad - I don't need more

I'm currently using Sublime Text for PAWN and for other stuff like PHP, CSS, HTML, and others; for that I'm using Notepad++.

Laravel 4.x with various packages.
Slim and Twig.
Robo for cleaning up stuff.

Sinatra + HAML.
Rails + Devise + Rolify + Bootstrap.
Capistrano for deploying.

******* Bootstrap.
Foundation 5.
Gumby Framework.

Backbonejs + Marionette.
Jquery or Zepto.
Coffeescript + Iced coffeescript.

Faye - For realtime apps

Editor & Misc
Sublime Text 3 with Emmet and various packages, for compiling SASS, LESS etc.. I use Prepros. Git as my version controller and Hipchat/Slack for communication. Heroku, Fortrabbit and Appfog for testing and deploying my applications.

I'm more a backend web developer. Here's what I'm using :
  • Notepad++ with the Waher theme (http://waher.net/archives/1013). I tried to switch twice to Sublime Text but I couldn't get used to it.
  • VIM from time to time when I'm on Linux.
  • ******* Bootstrap.
  • jQuery and jQueryUI.
  • CakePHP (using it for most if my big projects).
  • PhalconPHP (for smaller projects).
  • ****** Chrome Dev Tools, really useful for debugging.
  • MySQL Workbench to work with my databases.
  • Microsoft Visio for my database designs and code diagrams.
  • OpenERP with the project management and idea modules.

@iploppable: It seems I have to add Robo to my php toolkit! What made you choose Codeception over Behat?

It's easy to use modules.

Edit: @Raf aren't you supposed to use Phalcon for heavy apps due to it's high performance?

Originally Posted by iploppable
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It's easy to use modules.

Edit: @Raf aren't you supposed to use Phalcon for heavy apps due to it's high performance?
Phalcon can be used for any project. I'm mainly using it for my small Raspberry Pi projects where I need a high performance and low resource consumption MVC framework. For the moment, I'm really used to CakePHP but I'm slowly moving to PhalconPHP for bigger projects.

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