[Mysql] Is that too long ?


My code is:
	new str[2048];
		str = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `joueurs`(\ 
		`Username` varchar(24) NOT NULL, \
		`Password` varchar(128) NOT NULL, \
		`IP` varchar(16) NOT NULL, \
		`DerniereIP` varchar(16) NOT NULL, \
		`Admin` int(10) NOT NULL, \
		`VIP` int(10) NOT NULL, \
		`Argent` int(10) NOT NULL,\
		`Banque` int(10) NOT NULL, \
		`posX` float NOT NULL, \
		`posY` float NOT NULL, \
		`posZ` float NOT NULL, \
		`Interieur` smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, \
		`World` smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, \
		`Skin` smallint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, ";

		strcat(str,"`Niveau` int(10) NOT NULL, \
		`DateInscription` varchar(24) NOT NULL, \
		`Bannis` int(10) NOT NULL, \
		`RaisonBan` varchar(128) NOT NULL, \
		`BannisPar` varchar(24) NOT NULL, \
		`Vie` float NOT NULL, \
		`Armure` float NOT NULL, \
		`MinutesJouees` int(10) NOT NULL, \
		`HeuresJouees` int(10) NOT NULL, \
		`JoursJoues` int(10) NOT NULL, \
		`Prison` int(10) NOT NULL, \
		`TempsPrison` int(10) NOT NULL, \
		`Tues` int(10) NOT NULL, \
		`Morts int(10) NOT NULL, \
		`Arme1` int(10) NOT NULL, \
		`Munitions1` int(10) NOT NULL, \
		`Arme2` int(10) NOT NULL, \
		`Munition2` int(10) NOT NULL, \
		`Arme3` int(10) NOT NULL, \
		`Munition3` int(10) NOT NULL, \
		`Arme4` int(10) NOT NULL, \
		`Munition4` int(10) NOT NULL, \
		PRIMARY KEY (`ID`))");
But I got errors:

Beta.pwn(287) : error 075: input line too long (after substitutions)
Beta.pwn(288) : error 037: invalid string (possibly non-terminated string)
Beta.pwn(288) : error 017: undefined symbol "CREATE"
Beta.pwn(288) : error 017: undefined symbol "TABLE"
Beta.pwn(288) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line
Line 286:" `Interieur` smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, \ "
Line 287:" `World` smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, \ "
Line 288:" `Skin` smallint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, "; "

Do any of you have a idea for this ?

make the whole MySQL query thing into a text document and rename it to sql.sql, then goto phpmyadmin and upload there... If you need help I can make a video for you., Please +Rep me if I helped

Or I Can use teamviewer to help you

You've already split up your query and joined it back together with strcat.

Just use more strcat lines to split it up even more.

Thank you guy it worked

new str[2048];
		str = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `joueurs`(\ 
		`Username` varchar(24) NOT NULL, \
		`Password` varchar(128) NOT NULL, \
		`IP` varchar(16) NOT NULL, \
		`DerniereIP` varchar(16) NOT NULL, \
		`Admin` int(10) NOT NULL, \
		`VIP` int(10) NOT NULL, \
		`Argent` int(10) NOT NULL,\
		`Banque` int(10) NOT NULL, \
		`posX` float NOT NULL, \
		`posY` float NOT NULL, \
		`posZ` float NOT NULL, \
		`Interieur` smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, \
		`World` smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, ";

		strcat(str,"`Skin` smallint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, \
		`Niveau` int(10) NOT NULL, \
		`DateInscription` varchar(24) NOT NULL, \
		`Bannis` int(10) NOT NULL, \
		`RaisonBan` varchar(128) NOT NULL, \
		`BannisPar` varchar(24) NOT NULL, \
		`Vie` float NOT NULL, \
		`Armure` float NOT NULL, \
		`MinutesJouees` int(10) NOT NULL, \
		`HeuresJouees` int(10) NOT NULL, \
		`JoursJoues` int(10) NOT NULL, \
		`Prison` int(10) NOT NULL, \
		`TempsPrison` int(10) NOT NULL, \
		`Tues` int(10) NOT NULL, \
		`Morts int(10) NOT NULL, ");
		strcat(str,"`Arme1` int(10) NOT NULL, \
		`Munition1` int(10) NOT NULL, \
		`Arme2` int(10) NOT NULL, \
		`Munition2` int(10) NOT NULL, \
		`Arme3` int(10) NOT NULL, \
		`Munition3` int(10) NOT NULL, \
		`Arme4` int(10) NOT NULL, \
		`Munition4` int(10) NOT NULL, \
		PRIMARY KEY (`ID`))");
		mysql_tquery(mysql, str, "", "");
Sorry for the double post, but I tried this and It's not creating the table in the database.
Should I create "str2" then add to this str the first one ? Or something else ?

Thank you

Correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't it be the following.
pawn Код:
new str[2048];
        str = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `joueurs`(\
        `ID` int(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, \
        `Username` varchar(24) NOT NULL, \
        `Password` varchar(128) NOT NULL, \
        `IP` varchar(16) NOT NULL, \
        `DerniereIP` varchar(16) NOT NULL, \
        `Admin` int(10) NOT NULL, \
        `VIP` int(10) NOT NULL, \
        `Argent` int(10) NOT NULL,\
        `Banque` int(10) NOT NULL, \
        `posX` float NOT NULL, \
        `posY` float NOT NULL, \
        `posZ` float NOT NULL, \
        `Interieur` smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, \
        `World` smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, "

        strcat(str,"`Skin` smallint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, \
        `Niveau` int(10) NOT NULL, \
        `DateInscription` varchar(24) NOT NULL, \
        `Bannis` int(10) NOT NULL, \
        `RaisonBan` varchar(128) NOT NULL, \
        `BannisPar` varchar(24) NOT NULL, \
        `Vie` float NOT NULL, \
        `Armure` float NOT NULL, \
        `MinutesJouees` int(10) NOT NULL, \
        `HeuresJouees` int(10) NOT NULL, \
        `JoursJoues` int(10) NOT NULL, \
        `Prison` int(10) NOT NULL, \
        `TempsPrison` int(10) NOT NULL, \
        `Tues` int(10) NOT NULL, \
        `Morts int(10) NOT NULL, "
        strcat(str,"`Arme1` int(10) NOT NULL, \
        `Munition1` int(10) NOT NULL, \
        `Arme2` int(10) NOT NULL, \
        `Munition2` int(10) NOT NULL, \
        `Arme3` int(10) NOT NULL, \
        `Munition3` int(10) NOT NULL, \
        `Arme4` int(10) NOT NULL, \
        `Munition4` int(10) NOT NULL, \
        PRIMARY KEY (`ID`))"
, sizeof(str));
        mysql_tquery(mysql, str, "", "");

Thank you for your answer, I just noticed that I forgot a " ` " after "Morts".
That's why it wasnt working.

But now it's fine.

Thank you

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