Step to create a House System


I've been looking here for a mysql house system, but there are outdated:

So I decided to create my own, but I don't know where to start, I did an enum with things I think will be needed but that's all I done.

What should I know before start a mysql house system ?
Thank you

Check that out:

You can start from there and modify it, but if you do do not forget to give credits to the author of the tutorial

You should touch up on these topics before attempting any house system - working with enums, basic MySQL queries (''SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT'') statements, commands and loading/saving data with cache queries. I'd suggest, looking for iPLEOMax's tutorial on enums, AndreT's tutorial on caching and general tutorials on MySQL. Then you could get a INI house system and try converting it to MySQL instead of building one from scratch directly. I believe that works best for learning instead of copy-paste.

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