MySQL problem - Custom code will always login (even if account does not exist)

So, I am having a problem with my accounts. I badly deleted a code I had that could load the accounts and I tried to create a custom code in order to open them.

Well, I do not know what the problem is, but it will always login even if there's no account registered.

This is the code I am using:

pawn Код:
new userquery[256];
    format(userquery, sizeof(userquery), "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Name = '%s'", PlayerName);
    mysql_query(MySQLConnection, userquery);
    new rows = mysql_num_rows(MySQLConnection);
        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_TYPE_LOGIN, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, "Server Login", "Server Login:\n\nThe account with the name you joined is already registered!\nType your password below to retrieve your stats!", "Login", "");
    if(rows == 1)
        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_TYPE_REGISTER, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Server Register", "Server Register:\n\nThe account with the name you joined is not yet registered!\nType your password below to save your stats!\n\nNote: Do not press ESC or you will be kicked.", "Register", "Kick");

Are you sure you've used the correct functions? What version of SQL are you using? For anything above R7 the data is stored in the cache.

Using R7

R7 only supports cached data & threaded queries.

I've got this also:

pawn Код:
new escapedPlayerName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
        GetPlayerName(playerid, PlayerName, sizeof(PlayerName));
        mysql_real_escape_string(PlayerName, escapedPlayerName);
        format(string, sizeof(string), "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Name = '%s'", escapedPlayerName);
        mysql_query(string, THREAD_USER_LOOKUP, playerid, MySQLConnection);
and THREAD_USER_LOOKUP responses to this:

pawn Код:
            if(mysql_num_rows(connectionHandle) > 0)
                new Return[256];

                cache_get_field_content(0, "VIP", Return);
                PlayerInfo[extraid][pTempVIP] = strval(Return);
                cache_get_field_content(0, "Admin", Return);
                PlayerInfo[extraid][pTempAdmin] = strval(Return);

                cache_get_field_content(0, "Password", Return);
                format(PlayerInfo[extraid][pPassword], 256, Return);


                ShowPlayerDialog(extraid, DIALOG_TYPE_LOGIN, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, "Server Login", "Server Login:\n\nThe account with the name you joined is already registered!\nType your password below to retrieve your stats!", "Login", "");
                ShowPlayerDialog(extraid, DIALOG_TYPE_REGISTER, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Server Register", "Server Register:\n\nThe account with the name you joined is not yet registered!\nType your password below to save your stats!\n\nNote: Do not press ESC or you will be kicked.", "Register", "Kick");
But it wont show anything at all...

Why are you writing your own user system instead of downloading a secure and well tested one?

Originally Posted by Private200
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So, I am having a problem with my accounts. I badly deleted a code I had that could load the accounts and I tried to create a custom code in order to open them.

Well, I do not know what the problem is, but it will always login even if there's no account registered.

This is the code I am using:

pawn Код:
new userquery[256];
    format(userquery, sizeof(userquery), "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Name = '%s'", PlayerName);
    mysql_query(MySQLConnection, userquery);
    new rows = mysql_num_rows(MySQLConnection);
        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_TYPE_LOGIN, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, "Server Login", "Server Login:\n\nThe account with the name you joined is already registered!\nType your password below to retrieve your stats!", "Login", "");
    if(rows == 1)
        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_TYPE_REGISTER, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Server Register", "Server Register:\n\nThe account with the name you joined is not yet registered!\nType your password below to save your stats!\n\nNote: Do not press ESC or you will be kicked.", "Register", "Kick");
wait what...
if no rows -> login

it should be
if (rows) // login dialog
else // register dialog

also don't fetch the whole table... you can do something like
select count(*) from `Users` where `Account` = '%s' limit 0,1;

Originally Posted by Djole1337
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wait what...
if no rows -> login

it should be
if (rows) // login dialog
else // register dialog

also don't fetch the whole table... you can do something like
select count(*) from `Users` where `Account` = '%s' limit 0,1;
That, also, the query will fail because unthreaded queries are not supported by R7. As I already said you need to thread it into a function and use the cache data.

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