05.02.2014, 10:15
I got 2 problems with this command. First:

Check "duration of ban" message. Is supposed to show the duration in days of the ban, not the whole time.
Second problem, when i ban someone the command doesn't execute the query to add ban details in the "Bans" table:

Check "duration of ban" message. Is supposed to show the duration in days of the ban, not the whole time.
Second problem, when i ban someone the command doesn't execute the query to add ban details in the "Bans" table:
pawn Код:
CMD:ban(playerid, params[])
new reason[200], Reason[200], targetid, Days, Query[450], String[200];
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Admin] >= 2)
if(sscanf(params, "uiS[200]", targetid, Days, reason)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{F70505}Usage: {FFFFFF}/ban (playerid) (days) (reason - optional)");
if(!IsPlayerConnected(targetid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Player offline/invalid.");
if(strlen(reason) > 200) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Type a 'ban reason' within 200 characters.");
PlayerInfo[targetid][Banned] = 1;
new aName[24];
new pName[24];
new CTS = (gettime() + (86400*Days));
mysql_real_escape_string(reason, Reason);
new IP[16];
GetPlayerIp(targetid, IP, sizeof(IP));
format(Query, sizeof(Query), "INSERT INTO `Bans` (Username, Admin, IP, Reason, Days, Banned, Time) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%d', 1, '%s')", pName, aName, IP, Reason, (CTS+gettime()), InsertTimeStamp());
mysql_function_query(mysqlc, Query, false, "", "");
format(String, sizeof(String), "[BAN] ** %s (%d) has been banned by %s (%d): %s.", pName, targetid, aName, playerid, Reason);
SendClientMessageToAll(pink, String);
new echo[200];
format(echo, sizeof(echo), "0,4[BAN] ** %s (%d) has been banned by %s (%d): %s.",pName, targetid, aName, playerid, Reason);
IRC_GroupSay(gGroupID, IRC_CHANNEL, echo);
PlayerInfo[playerid][PlayersBanned] ++;
new stats[128];
format(stats, sizeof(stats), "UPDATE ServerStats SET TotalAdminBans = TotalAdminBans + 1");
mysql_function_query(mysqlc, stats, false, "", "");
//Ban Message
new metin[128];
format(metin, sizeof(metin), "* {FF0000}You have been banned from the server *");
SCM(targetid, -1, metin);
format(metin, sizeof(metin), "* Admin: {FF0000}%s (%d)", aName, playerid);
SCM(targetid, -1, metin);
format(metin, sizeof(metin), "* Date and Time: {FF0000}%s",InsertTimeStamp());
SCM(targetid, -1, metin);
format(metin, sizeof(metin), "* Reason: {FF0000}%s", Reason);
SCM(targetid, -1, metin);
format(metin, sizeof(metin), "* Duration of ban: {FF0000}%s Days", (CTS+gettime()));
SCM(targetid, -1, metin);
format(metin, sizeof(metin), "* If you have been banned wrongfully, visit our forums http://www.bwhsamp.com and appeal at this ban");
SCM(targetid, -1, metin);
SCM(targetid,0xFF0000FF, "* You can screen this ban message (F8) and post it on forum. *");
BanTimer[targetid] = SetTimerEx("BanPlayer",200,false,"d",targetid);
return 1;