My Friend Cant Join My Server (Retrieving Info)

My Friend Gets Retrieving Info he is using my public ip and i forward 7777

Is he on the same version as your server?

yep 0.3x he is also when i try enter my public ip into the samp fav it says retrieving Info i cant also join with my ip

Ah, I guess I didn't understand your question very well. I was under the assumption that the server showed up correctly but wouldn't let him to connect to it.

Are you positive you have port forwarded correctly?

Check if your server is online here,

Turn Off the firewall in the Router and in your windows

Make sure you port-forwarded correctly and have configured SA-MP(samp-server.exe) in your firewall.
- Abagail.

theres no need to port forward. Install utorrent then open samp-server.exe then open utorrent. Then options then preferncials and go to connection page and put port as 7777. Do apply then ok and your server will show for your friend. p.s. This works perfectly for me so it should work for you aswell

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