One IP Server. Different IP + GM = No Start

So..That's my code:

pawn Код:
new ip[16];
    GetServerVarAsString("bind", ip, sizeof(ip));
    if(!strcmp(ip, "84.238.***.**"))
        print("ERROR: You're not authorised to use this script.");
        SendRconCommand( "exit" );
i have bind in my server.cfg but when i try to start the server it show

Unable to start server on 84.238.***.**:7777. Port in use?

Set full ip in .cfg


pawn Код:
new ip[16];
GetServerVarAsString("bind", ip, sizeof(ip));
if(ip[0] == '\0' || strcmp(ip, "84.238.", true, 7) != 0)
    print("ERROR: You're not authorised to use this script.");
    SendRconCommand( "exit" );
    return 0;

Well i set it full just i hide it.Stills i got same error =]

Still i can't make it?what's wronge with my code :X

Can someone help me please?I need this rlly fast..

Need some help..please guys

Why do you even need such code?
Limiting your script to run on only your computer?

Don't release your script if you don't want other computers to be able to run your script.
And if you decide to release it anyway:
- either scripters will just remove that code (you have to include the full source anyway when releasing it)
- why release something others aren't able to use it

I'm not going to release a free GM.I need it for my own gamemode.My hosting company got RAT on their machines and some of the mods got downloaded by hackers.That's why i need this code..I upload only .amx in my host.Please help me =]

put bind [your ip] in your server config it works for me since im using that kind of security also for my server

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