filescript dont loading!

When i add new filescript to filescripts linie it wont load!
If i add it as first in linie it is loading but one other filescript wont load,i have 5 filescripts added
Im using island of danger gamemode
Please help me guys,it will reslowe all my problems if i fix this
I beeg you reply
Thank you

How can we know what you are using , please post more information such as filterscript name , server logs.

Gamemode name is island of danger,link canot be displayed propertly
Im trying to add vip system,name is VIPv1.3

I posted few topics amd i never got help here!

Maybe its the actual filterscript. Anyways it needs to be the name of the amx file dont know if its case sensitive if you dont have a .amx file it wont work. Example: Example.amx¦ So lets say our filterscript line is like this

Fliterscripts Example1 Example2 Example

What type of filterscript a map? or what

see server log
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3x-R2, ©2005-2013 SA-MP Team

[14:55:30] Server Plugins
[14:55:30] --------------
[14:55:30] Loading plugin: streamer

*** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded ***

[14:55:30] Loaded.
[14:55:30] Loading plugin: y_files

[14:55:30] ===============================

[14:55:30] y_files loaded

[14:55:30] © 2010 Alex "******" Cole

[14:55:30] ===============================

[14:55:30] Loaded.
[14:55:30] Loading plugin: Whirlpool
[14:55:30] ==================
[14:55:30] Whirlpool loaded
[14:55:30] ==================
[14:55:30] Loaded.
[14:55:30] Loading plugin: GeoIP_Plugin
[14:55:30] GeoIP_Plugin got loaded.
[14:55:30] Loaded.
[14:55:30] Loading plugin: sscanf

[14:55:30] ===============================

[14:55:30] sscanf plugin loaded.

[14:55:30] © 2009 Alex "******" Cole

[14:55:30] 0.3d-R2 500 Players "dnee"

[14:55:30] ===============================

[14:55:30] Loaded.
[14:55:30] Loaded 5 plugins.

[14:55:30] Filterscripts
[14:55:30] ---------------
[14:55:30] Loading filterscript 'NR_G_AS.amx'...
__________________________________________________ _
[14:55:30] UDC V9
[14:55:30] ---------------
[14:55:30] UDC Administration System
[14:55:30] __________________________________________________ _

[14:55:30] -> Loading...
-Current Configurations Successfully Loaded!

[14:55:30] -> UDC Basic Loaded Configurations:

[14:55:30] AutoLogin: [Disabled] ReadCmds: [Enabled!]
[14:55:30] AntiSwear: [Disabled] AntiSpam: [Enabled!]
[14:55:30] NameKick: [Enabled!] AntiBot: [Disabled]
[14:55:30] ConnectMsgs: [Enabled!] NoCaps: [Disabled]
[14:55:30] AdminCmdMsgs: [Enabled!] Anti Ads: [Enabled!]
[14:55:30] SaveMoney: [Enabled!] MustLogin [Enabled!]
[14:55:30] Forbid Weaps: [Disabled] AdmSkins: [Disabled]
[14:55:30] ReadPms: [Enabled!] MaxLevel: [10]
[14:55:30] SaveWeaps [Enabled!] Max Ping: [0ms]
[14:55:30] ChatDisabled: [Disabled] MuteWarns: [4]
[14:55:30] MustRegister: [Enabled!] AdmSkins [217, 214]

[14:55:30] -> Loaded Successfully!

[14:55:30] Date: 4/1/2014 - Time: 14:55:30
[14:55:30] __________________________________________________ _

[14:55:30] Loading filterscript 'object.amx'...
[14:55:30] Loading filterscript 'TFS.amx'...
[14:55:30] Loading filterscript 'xPickupcreator.amx'...
[14:55:30] Loading filterscript 'snow.amx'...
[14:55:30] Loading filterscript 'VIPv1.3.amx'...
[14:55:30] Loaded 6 filterscripts.

Loading Gamemode Island Of Danger
[14:55:30] ________________________________________
[14:55:30] LAdmin Loading...
[14:55:30] ________________________________________
-Configuration Settings Loaded
[14:55:30] -0 Forbidden Names Loaded
[14:55:30] -1 Forbidden Tags Loaded
[14:55:30] -0 Forbidden Words Loaded
[14:55:30] ________________________________________
[14:55:30] LAdmin Version 4.0
[14:55:30] Loaded
[14:55:30] ________________________________________
[14:55:30] Date: 4/1/2014 Time: 14:55 :30
[14:55:30] ________________________________________
[14:55:30] ________________________________________

[14:55:30] | Yagu's Race Script v0.4a |
[14:55:30] +-----------LOADED---------+

[14:55:30] >--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[14:55:30] 184 Businesses Successfully loaded and created
[14:55:30] 1942 Vehicles Successfully loaded and created
[14:55:30] >--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[14:55:30] >--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[14:55:30] Business and Vehicle Systems Status - 100% - Systems Ready...
[14:55:30] >--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[14:55:33] >----------------------------------<
[14:55:33] | Island Of Danger™• by WantedBoy |
[14:55:33] >----------------------------------<

[14:55:33] Number of vehicle models: 174

And it is a vip system

when i add vip system on filescripts,my login/register system wont load!
filterscripts NR_G_AS object TFS xPickupcreator snow VIPv1.3
when is no vip system on filescripts all working well!
please help me to fix this

please guys help me!

So are we talking about a DialogBox not loading?
If yes, check if you have placed
return 1; on END of OnDialogRespose.. If so, change it to return 0;

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