14.12.2013, 02:52
Hello, I don't know how to create the OnGameModeInit Textdraw stuff, already tried to create a textdraw but it don't works, so can anyone make it for me i will be very glad.
Thanks anyways, peace.
new GroveScore,BallasScore; public OnGameModeInit() { TextDrawStuffz... } public OnPlayerDeath(playerid,killerid,reason) { if(gTeam[playerid]==NORK) { if(gTeam[playerid]==NORK)GroveScore--; //otherwise punishment else BallasScore++; }else{ if(gTeam[playerid]==GARRY)BallasScore--; //otherwise punishment else GroveScore++; } new tmpstr[50]; //Accommodate for string size format(tmpstr,sizeof(tmpstr),"Nork: %d Garry:%d",GroveScore,BallasScore); TextDrawSetString(YourTextDraw,tmpstr); return 1; }