12.12.2013, 15:14
Hey guys,
I'm Kent Paul (Forums Name)...This is my first gamemode ever...it's a Freeroam Gamemode,..named by me as 'Open
World Freeroam'.So let's proceed and hope you all like it...
Features & Commands
- A very basic Login And Register System
- /o text - This is used for OOC chat
- /help - Players can use this which shows them a dialog about the commands made
- /ahelp - This is used for the admins which shows them a list of commands,to be used by them.
- Admin Commands - /kick /ban /respawncars /makecarperm /derbyon /derbyoff /car
- /anims - There are total of 13 animations
- /monsterpk - Monster Parkour...it will teleport you to that location..where the monster trucks would be waiting.
- /pm [id] [message] - It is a simple PM system
- /makecarperm - This command is used while in a car...it makes the vehicle permenant...and then...it can be only deleted through the server files. ( Scriptfiles > Permenantcars )
After completing registration, if your gender is Male...this is the result
What you see on typing /help
PM system ( I PMed myself so don't mind it )
Monster Parkour mapped by me
Another View of Monster Parkour
God - mercy
Me - creating
Samp - everything about gamemodes
Samp map Construction - Mapping Of Monster Parkour