Some error

This is Error
(489) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
(505) : error 010: invalid function or declaration

This is Line
	//=====[Remove stuff]======//
	489: RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 739, 2011.2266, -1218.9844, 19.1250, 0.25);
	RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 620, 2029.7500, -1227.7031, 19.7656, 0.25);
	RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 620, 2036.6953, -1214.1875, 21.1875, 0.25);
	RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 620, 2009.7422, -1212.5156, 17.9922, 0.25);
	RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 620, 2018.4297, -1206.6563, 19.2344, 0.25);
	RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 673, 2020.3672, -1210.8125, 20.4141, 0.25);
	RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 645, 2024.5703, -1211.5781, 20.8281, 0.25);
	RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 1297, 2062.1250, -1229.1797, 26.1016, 0.25);
	RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 620, 2050.3906, -1208.3516, 21.8125, 0.25);
	RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 1297, 2062.2500, -1194.5781, 26.1875, 0.25);
	RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 1283, 2066.1406, -1210.5625, 26.0391, 0.25);
	RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 620, 2043.2578, -1187.0781, 21.9297, 0.25);
	RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 645, 2022.5781, -1176.9766, 20.8438, 0.25);
	RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 645, 2017.0313, -1172.1953, 20.4531, 0.25);
	RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 620, 2038.8125, -1168.6250, 21.0234, 0.25);
	RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 1297, 2062.2344, -1162.7109, 26.0859, 0.25);
    505:  return 1;

Are you sure the error points to this file? Why the compiler would throw an error on only two of fifteen identical statements is beyond me.

There is some mistake here. I don't see any problem with what you've
quoted. Recompile again and check the lines again. If the error still show on the same line then there might
Be problem with the brackets.

Where have you placed this code?
If it's not under OnPlayerConnect, you'll have to place it there.

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