Skype Virus

If two people by name (NisseFar and Nivek) wants to add you to their list, do not accept. It is a virus.Tell it to everyone on your list because if one person on your list adds him or her, you get it too. It is a hard drive killer and a very horrible virus. Please pass it on to everyone on your list. No question asked.

they doing add for everyone?

I don't know it's a message i got from a friend, but iv known random people add skypes that are virus befor aswell as scams they just type names in and add all the people they see

Aight ??

How can a contact be a virus?

They must be using some mass adding script or something like that. I don't care about it because I only add those whom I know.

Well as i know Skype has alot of Virus/Scammers/Bots.
Yesterday someone with a strange name added me and i accepted him. He starts scamming me that he is Lawyer and he is rich from Bahames (blablabla) and if i give him my personal informations (Paypal account e.t.c) he will add me money!.Well i know skype has alot of bullshits bots/virus/scammers.! It's true..!
- Confirmed By me (Tech-Support ? TechGR)

Is this legit or bullshit? Because I don't want to go full retard and spam everybody on my contact list.

loool hahaha

Ohh yes! i can confirm this NisseFar and Nivek ... yes they send me request !

<-- boeing 777

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