Temp ban

I only have temp ban but I don't know how to make like /tempban %s has been banned for %s days by %s reason: %s

may this can help

Define vars on command tempban then use this:

new tempbanstring[128];
new AdminName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], BannedName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
GetPlayerName(playerid, AdminName, sizeof(AdminName));
GetPlayerName(playerid, BannedName, sizeof(BannedName));
format(tempbanstring, sizeof(tempbanstring), "%s has been banned for %d days by %s reason: %s", BannedName, BanTime, AdminName, BanReason);
SendClientMessageToAll(-1, tempbanstring);
We asume you defined variables BanTime and BanReason in command.

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