19.11.2013, 08:38
Hey everyone,
For the last approx 2 months I have been searching for a race script and all of the ones I have came across are shit/outdated or just not what I am looking for.
One in particular I want is: http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.ph...wpost&t=455729
One problem it is a gamemode but the whole script is based around just racing, if this can be converted to a FS, I'd greatly appreciate it!
I would like a racing script that you can make your own races, set the vehicle that only can be in the race. You /enterrace and it teleports you to that car and the start location.
No delay in checkpoints (they can be close together and you see the next one on map)
Your position/racers, how many cps left.
If anyone knows a good race system either post it here or see if you can convert that script I posted to a FS.
For the last approx 2 months I have been searching for a race script and all of the ones I have came across are shit/outdated or just not what I am looking for.
One in particular I want is: http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.ph...wpost&t=455729
One problem it is a gamemode but the whole script is based around just racing, if this can be converted to a FS, I'd greatly appreciate it!
I would like a racing script that you can make your own races, set the vehicle that only can be in the race. You /enterrace and it teleports you to that car and the start location.
No delay in checkpoints (they can be close together and you see the next one on map)
Your position/racers, how many cps left.
If anyone knows a good race system either post it here or see if you can convert that script I posted to a FS.