[19:27:35] >> mysql_connect(, root, account, ******) on port 3306
[19:27:35] CMySQLHandler::CMySQLHandler() - constructor called.
[19:27:35] CMySQLHandler::CMySQLHandler() - Connecting to "" | DB: "account" | Username: "root"
[19:27:35] CMySQLHandler::Connect() - Connection was successful.
[19:27:35] CMySQLHandler::Connect() - Auto-Reconnect has been enabled.
[19:27:35] >> mysql_ping( Connection handle: 1 )
[19:27:35] CMySQLHandler::Ping() - Connection is still alive.
[19:27:55] >> mysql_ping( Connection handle: 1 )
[19:27:55] CMySQLHandler::Ping() - Connection is still alive.
[19:27:55] >> mysql_query_callback( Connection handle: 1 )
[19:27:55] Passing query SELECT * FROM `account` WHERE `PlayerName` = 'test' | siii
[19:27:55] ProcessQueryThread(OnQueryFinish) - Query was successful. (SELECT * FROM `account` WHERE `PlayerName` = 'test')
[19:27:55] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Data is getting passed to ->ProcessTick()
[19:27:55] OnQueryFinish(siii) - Threaded function called.
[19:27:55] >> mysql_store_result( Connection handle: 1 )
[19:27:55] CMySQLHandler::StoreResult() - Result was stored.
[19:27:55] >> mysql_num_rows( Connection handle: 1 )
[19:27:55] CMySQLHandler::NumRows() - Returned 1 row(s)
[19:27:55] >> mysql_ping( Connection handle: 1 )
[19:27:55] CMySQLHandler::Ping() - Connection is still alive.
[19:27:55] >> mysql_query_callback( Connection handle: 1 )
[19:27:55] >> mysql_free_result( Connection handle: 1 )
[19:27:55] CMySQLHandler::FreeResult() - Result was successfully free'd.
[19:27:55] Passing query SELECT `Status` FROM `account` WHERE `PlayerName` = 'test' AND `Status` = 2 | siii
[19:27:55] ProcessQueryThread(OnQueryFinish) - Query was successful. (SELECT `Status` FROM `account` WHERE `PlayerName` = 'test' AND `Status` = 2)
[19:27:55] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Data is getting passed to ->ProcessTick()
[19:27:55] OnQueryFinish(siii) - Threaded function called.
[19:27:55] >> mysql_store_result( Connection handle: 1 )
[19:27:55] CMySQLHandler::StoreResult() - Result was stored.
[19:27:55] >> mysql_num_rows( Connection handle: 1 )
[19:27:55] CMySQLHandler::NumRows() - Returned 0 row(s)
[19:27:55] >> mysql_ping( Connection handle: 1 )
[19:27:55] CMySQLHandler::Ping() - Connection is still alive.
[19:27:55] >> mysql_query_callback( Connection handle: 1 )
[19:27:55] >> mysql_free_result( Connection handle: 1 )
[19:27:55] CMySQLHandler::FreeResult() - Result was successfully free'd.
[19:27:55] Passing query SELECT `LastIP` FROM `account` WHERE `PlayerName` = 'test' AND `LastIP` = '' | siii
[19:27:55] ProcessQueryThread(OnQueryFinish) - Query was successful. (SELECT `LastIP` FROM `account` WHERE `PlayerName` = 'test' AND `LastIP` = '')
[19:27:55] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Data is getting passed to ->ProcessTick()
[19:27:55] OnQueryFinish(siii) - Threaded function called.
[19:27:55] >> mysql_store_result( Connection handle: 1 )
[19:27:55] CMySQLHandler::StoreResult() - Result was stored.
[19:27:55] >> mysql_num_rows( Connection handle: 1 )
[19:27:55] CMySQLHandler::NumRows() - Returned 1 row(s)
[19:27:55] >> mysql_ping( Connection handle: 1 )
[19:27:55] CMySQLHandler::Ping() - Connection is still alive.
[19:27:55] >> mysql_query_callback( Connection handle: 1 )
[19:27:55] >> mysql_ping( Connection handle: 1 )
[19:27:55] CMySQLHandler::Ping() - Connection is still alive.
[19:27:55] >> mysql_query_callback( Connection handle: 1 )
[19:27:55] >> mysql_free_result( Connection handle: 1 )
[19:27:55] CMySQLHandler::FreeResult() - Result was successfully free'd.
[19:27:55] Passing query SELECT `XPos`,`YPos`,`ZPos`,`AdminLevel`,`VIPLevel`,`Want edLevel`,`Kills`,`Deaths`,`Money`,`Score`,`Health` ,`Armour`,`Hours`,`Minutes`,`Seconds`,`KickCount`, `LastSkin`,`SpawnCount`,`ReportCount`,`Warnings`,` FailLogin`,`RconAttempt`,`RegDate` FROM `account` WHERE `PlayerName` = 'test' | siii
[19:27:55] ProcessQueryThread(OnQueryFinish) - Query was successful. (SELECT `XPos`,`YPos`,`ZPos`,`AdminLevel`,`VIPLevel`,`Want edLevel`,`Kills`,`Deaths`,`Money`,`Score`,`Health` ,`Armour`,`Hours`,`Minutes`,`Seconds`,`KickCount`, `LastSkin`,`SpawnCount`,`ReportCount`,`Warnings`,` FailLogin`,`RconAttempt`,`RegDate` FROM `account` WHERE `PlayerName` = 'test')
[19:27:55] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Data is getting passed to ->ProcessTick()
[19:27:55] OnQueryFinish(siii) - Threaded function called.
[19:27:55] >> mysql_store_result( Connection handle: 1 )
[19:27:55] CMySQLHandler::StoreResult() - Result was stored.
[19:27:55] >> mysql_num_rows( Connection handle: 1 )
[19:27:55] CMySQLHandler::NumRows() - Returned 1 row(s)
[19:27:55] >> mysql_fetch_row_format( Connection handle: 1 )
[19:27:55] CMySQLHandler::FetchRow() - Return: -2571.57|328.51|10.56|6|0|0|0|9|69800|0|100|0|1|49| 1|0|108|52|0|0|0|1|11/11/2013
[19:27:55] >> mysql_free_result( Connection handle: 1 )
[19:27:55] CMySQLHandler::FreeResult() - Result was successfully free'd.
[19:27:55] Passing query UPDATE `account` SET `LastIP` = '', `Status` = 1 WHERE `PlayerName` = 'test' | siii
[19:27:55] ProcessQueryThread(OnQueryFinish) - Query was successful. (UPDATE `account` SET `LastIP` = '', `Status` = 1 WHERE `PlayerName` = 'test')
[19:27:55] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Data is getting passed to ->ProcessTick()
[19:27:55] OnQueryFinish(siii) - Threaded function called.
[19:28:08] >> mysql_format( Connection handle: 1 )
[19:28:08] >> mysql_query_callback( Connection handle: 1 )
[19:28:08] >> mysql_store_result( Connection handle: 1 )
[19:28:08] CMySQLHandler::StoreResult() - No data to store.
[19:28:08] Passing query SELECT `Score`, `PlayerName` FROM `account` ORDER BY `Score` ASC LIMIT 10 | d
[19:28:08] ProcessQueryThread(LoadPlayer) - Query was successful. (SELECT `Score`, `PlayerName` FROM `account` ORDER BY `Score` ASC LIMIT 10)
[19:28:08] ProcessQueryThread(LoadPlayer) - Data caching enabled.
[19:28:08] CMySQLHandler::StoreResult() - Result was stored.
[19:28:08] CMySQLHandler::FreeResult() - Result was successfully free'd.
[19:28:08] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Data is getting passed to ->ProcessTick()
[19:28:08] >> mysql_num_rows( Connection handle: 1 )
[19:28:08] CMySQLHandler::NumRows() - You cannot call this function now. (Reason: Dead Connection)
[19:28:09] >> mysql_ping( Connection handle: 1 )
[19:28:09] CMySQLHandler::Ping() - Connection is still alive.
[19:28:09] >> mysql_query_callback( Connection handle: 1 )
[19:28:09] >> mysql_ping( Connection handle: 1 )
[19:28:09] CMySQLHandler::Ping() - Connection is still alive.
[19:28:09] >> mysql_query_callback( Connection handle: 1 )
[19:28:09] Passing query UPDATE `account` SET `XPos` = -2571.57, `YPos` = 328.51, `ZPos` = 10.56, `AdminLevel` = 6, `VIPLevel` = 0, `WantedLevel` = 0, `Kills` = 0, `Deaths` = 9, `Money` = 69800, `Score` = 0, `Health` = 100.00, `Armour` = 0.00, `Hours` = 1, `Minutes` = 49, `Seconds` = 15, `LastSkin` = 108, `KickCount` = 0, `SpawnCount` = 53, `ReportCount` = 0, `Warnings` = 0, `FailLogin` = 0, `RconAttempt` = 1 WHERE `PlayerName` = 'test' | siii
[19:28:09] ProcessQueryThread(OnQueryFinish) - Query was successful. (UPDATE `account` SET `XPos` = -2571.57, `YPos` = 328.51, `ZPos` = 10.56, `AdminLevel` = 6, `VIPLevel` = 0, `WantedLevel` = 0, `Kills` = 0, `Deaths` = 9, `Money` = 69800, `Score` = 0, `Health` = 100.00, `Armour` = 0.00, `Hours` = 1, `Minutes` = 49, `Seconds` = 15, `LastSkin` = 108, `KickCount` = 0, `SpawnCount` = 53, `ReportCount` = 0, `Warnings` = 0, `FailLogin` = 0, `RconAttempt` = 1 WHERE `PlayerName` = 'test')
[19:28:09] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Data is getting passed to ->ProcessTick()
[19:28:09] OnQueryFinish(siii) - Threaded function called.
[19:28:09] Passing query UPDATE `account` SET `LastSkin` = 108, `Status` = 0 WHERE `PlayerName` = 'test' | siii
[19:28:09] ProcessQueryThread(OnQueryFinish) - Query was successful. (UPDATE `account` SET `LastSkin` = 108, `Status` = 0 WHERE `PlayerName` = 'test')
[19:28:09] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Data is getting passed to ->ProcessTick()
[19:28:09] OnQueryFinish(siii) - Threaded function called.