09.11.2013, 12:30
Hello, my /kick command produces this weird "thing", I guess crashdetecet printed that out, anyway here's more of the server log:
And there's a 751line long "amx backtrace", but I believe it won't help.
And here's the kick command
I was running the server on my own PC and I have a LOT of memory... I don't understand how this happened.
pawn Код:
[15:23:12] [debug] Run time error 3: "Stack/heap collision (insufficient stack size)"
[15:23:12] [debug] Stack pointer (STK) is 0x10837C, heap pointer (HEA) is 0x108340
[15:23:13] [debug] #752 0001f920 in public cmd_kick () from server.amx
[15:23:13] [debug] #753 native CallLocalFunction () [00471ef0] from samp-server.exe
[15:23:13] [debug] #754 00002124 in public OnPlayerCommandText () from server.amx
And here's the kick command
pawn Код:
new id,reason[101],string[140];
if(pInfo[playerid][AdminLevel] == 0 && !IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,RED,"Tu turi būti administratorius kad galėtum naudoti љią komnandą!");
if(sscanf(params,"us[101]",id,reason)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,RED,"Naudojimas /kick [ЋaidėjoID/DalisVardo] [Prieћastis]");
if(!IsPlayerConnected(id)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,RED,"Tokio ћaidėjo nėra!");
if(pInfo[id][AdminLevel] > 0 && !IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,RED,"Administratoriaus iљmesti negalima!");
if(id == playerid) return SendClientMessage(playerid,RED,"Saves iљmesti negalite!");
format(string,sizeof(string),"[KICK]Administratorius %s iљmetė %s. Prieћastis:%s",
return 1;