09.11.2013, 00:41
Hello everyone,
I wanted to make a quick post about how to properly make an argument. (Read: "Argument" is a synonym for 'making a point' and 'giving your opinion')
It seems the internet, even more intensified on the SAMP forums, is full of individuals who feel like calling each other names is the best way to tell em' how it is. I am going to guess it is more rampant on the SAMP forums do to a very large portion of the forum users not having a good grasp on the English language.
This guide is for all of SAMP forum users. Hopefully everyone can take something away from this and not seem too childish when arguing.
Using Rhetoric
Most of you are probably wondering what rhetoric is. Rhetoric is the “use of language with the intention to persuade”. In every ‘argument’ you make, you should be using Rhetoric. If you are not using rhetoric then you a failing to make a good argument.
That brings me to the next subject:
What makes a good argument?
A good argument is simply an argument where your target audience (the people who disagree with you or the people you are trying to gain support from) now agrees with your point of view.
What types of rhetorical appeals are there?
For some of you, this is going to be a flashback to English 101. If so, then hold on and prepare for a refresher course!
The Ethos Appeal: The ethos appeal, or the ethical appeal, is sometimes referred to as the appeal to authority, is the use of credible people or sources to influence an audience.
Example: ****** would be considered a credible person on this forum. If you were to use a quote from him or claim him as a source, and he did indeed say what you are claiming, you would be using an ethos appeal.
The average Joe on this forum does not hold the ethos as ****** does. Now you can add ethos to your argument if you are in a certain profession or have a large knowledge on something.
Example: You cite the fact you are a science teacher and have been teaching advanced physics for 5 years. Therefore, you would be considered to have a higher “ethos” compared to the average person commenting on a thread. This would only work if you are talking about a subject involving Physics however.
The problem with the Ethos appeal over the internet, absent proof or direct quotes, is anyone can claim themselves as anything they want. That is one thing you have to keep in mind when determining if a person making an argument really has credibility.
The Pathos Appeal: This is an emotional appeal, or words and examples chosen to appeal to the audience’s emotions.
Example: If you were to say: “You don’t want to kill an innocent child, right?” when debating if abortion should legal/moral or not. No normal human being would say yes to that question, which makes it a good pathos argument.
While it may be a good pathos argument to use, there are flaws in it as there are flaws in all pathos appeals. Generally, pathos appeals are full of fallacies, which if pointed out will make the argument lose some ground it had gained. We will get to that later.
The Logos Appeal: This is a logical appeal or the use of reasoning and logic to influence the target audience.
Example: [NOT REAL STATISTICS] “60% of SAMP community members are from Europe, therefore your server should be located in Europe to please the majority”
The logos appeal is one of my favorite types of appeal. If done right, it is hard to argue cold hard facts. Remember, when it comes to statistics, 78% of them are made up. (See what I did there
What to avoid in an argument:
Straw Man - Offering a weak version of the opponent’s position while trying to score points by knocking it down.
Red Herring – Avoids the primary issue and peruses a side issue to distract the audience from the real argument.
Ad Hominem – The arguer attacks his or her opponent instead of the argument. (Read: This is the most common fallacy used on the SAMP forums)
Hasty Generalizations - Making an assumption about a whole group or range of cases based on a small sample that is inadequate.
In review, you first want to know what you are arguing about. If you are not clear on this subject then you will not be able to make an effective argument. The next thing you need to know is your position and your opponent’s position. If you both are arguing the same thing, then there is no point in arguing at all!
Construct your post carefully and think out every sentence! Make sure you are not attacking another member directly; this will ruin your credibility in the argument! You need to show the other person why they are wrong through the use of logos, ethos, and pathos appeals!
Finally, think before you post! It seems a lot of times posts are made hastily and are out of anger. It is hard to make a good argument when you are angry at somebody do to the emotions involved.
Remember, sometimes you cannot dispute certain facts. Even if those facts go against your beliefs. You just have to show that you have more undisputable facts on your side.
Examples of bad arguments:
That is fantastic that you think the other person’s reasoning is stupid. But where is your reasoning? Oh wait, he forgot to add it.
Can you spot the poor argumentative skills in the following examples?
This statement has 2 major problems with it. One, it is a hasty generalization. Who says he didn’t heavily research it but has formed a different opinion than you? The second problem is he called the other party’s logic “retarded”. This instantly ruins any credibility that the author had in the first place.
I wanted to make a quick post about how to properly make an argument. (Read: "Argument" is a synonym for 'making a point' and 'giving your opinion')
It seems the internet, even more intensified on the SAMP forums, is full of individuals who feel like calling each other names is the best way to tell em' how it is. I am going to guess it is more rampant on the SAMP forums do to a very large portion of the forum users not having a good grasp on the English language.
This guide is for all of SAMP forum users. Hopefully everyone can take something away from this and not seem too childish when arguing.
Using Rhetoric
Most of you are probably wondering what rhetoric is. Rhetoric is the “use of language with the intention to persuade”. In every ‘argument’ you make, you should be using Rhetoric. If you are not using rhetoric then you a failing to make a good argument.
That brings me to the next subject:
What makes a good argument?
A good argument is simply an argument where your target audience (the people who disagree with you or the people you are trying to gain support from) now agrees with your point of view.
What types of rhetorical appeals are there?
For some of you, this is going to be a flashback to English 101. If so, then hold on and prepare for a refresher course!
The Ethos Appeal: The ethos appeal, or the ethical appeal, is sometimes referred to as the appeal to authority, is the use of credible people or sources to influence an audience.
Example: ****** would be considered a credible person on this forum. If you were to use a quote from him or claim him as a source, and he did indeed say what you are claiming, you would be using an ethos appeal.
The average Joe on this forum does not hold the ethos as ****** does. Now you can add ethos to your argument if you are in a certain profession or have a large knowledge on something.
Example: You cite the fact you are a science teacher and have been teaching advanced physics for 5 years. Therefore, you would be considered to have a higher “ethos” compared to the average person commenting on a thread. This would only work if you are talking about a subject involving Physics however.
The problem with the Ethos appeal over the internet, absent proof or direct quotes, is anyone can claim themselves as anything they want. That is one thing you have to keep in mind when determining if a person making an argument really has credibility.
The Pathos Appeal: This is an emotional appeal, or words and examples chosen to appeal to the audience’s emotions.
Example: If you were to say: “You don’t want to kill an innocent child, right?” when debating if abortion should legal/moral or not. No normal human being would say yes to that question, which makes it a good pathos argument.
While it may be a good pathos argument to use, there are flaws in it as there are flaws in all pathos appeals. Generally, pathos appeals are full of fallacies, which if pointed out will make the argument lose some ground it had gained. We will get to that later.
The Logos Appeal: This is a logical appeal or the use of reasoning and logic to influence the target audience.
Example: [NOT REAL STATISTICS] “60% of SAMP community members are from Europe, therefore your server should be located in Europe to please the majority”
The logos appeal is one of my favorite types of appeal. If done right, it is hard to argue cold hard facts. Remember, when it comes to statistics, 78% of them are made up. (See what I did there

What to avoid in an argument:
Straw Man - Offering a weak version of the opponent’s position while trying to score points by knocking it down.
Red Herring – Avoids the primary issue and peruses a side issue to distract the audience from the real argument.
Ad Hominem – The arguer attacks his or her opponent instead of the argument. (Read: This is the most common fallacy used on the SAMP forums)
Hasty Generalizations - Making an assumption about a whole group or range of cases based on a small sample that is inadequate.
In review, you first want to know what you are arguing about. If you are not clear on this subject then you will not be able to make an effective argument. The next thing you need to know is your position and your opponent’s position. If you both are arguing the same thing, then there is no point in arguing at all!
Construct your post carefully and think out every sentence! Make sure you are not attacking another member directly; this will ruin your credibility in the argument! You need to show the other person why they are wrong through the use of logos, ethos, and pathos appeals!
Finally, think before you post! It seems a lot of times posts are made hastily and are out of anger. It is hard to make a good argument when you are angry at somebody do to the emotions involved.
Remember, sometimes you cannot dispute certain facts. Even if those facts go against your beliefs. You just have to show that you have more undisputable facts on your side.
Examples of bad arguments:
Lol that’s beyond stupid, #banlogic |
So, your post basically cones down to lack of research from your side along with a retarded line of thinking |
What the fuck is this? |