add register to onplayerconnect

Hey, I'm trying to put the following code in OnPlayerConnect - which checks if the player is banned, registered, if not then pops Registration, if so, the login window.

I have this code (i just want to move it to OnPlayerConnect):

public OnQueryError( errorid, error[ ], resultid, extraid, callback[ ], query[ ], connectionHandle )
	return printf( "errorid: %d | error: %s | resultid: %d | extraid: %d | callback: %s | query: %s", errorid, error, resultid, extraid, callback, query );
public OnQueryFinish( query[ ], resultid, extraid, connectionHandle )
    session[ queries ]++;
    switch( resultid )
		    mysql_store_result( );

			if ( !IsPlayerConnected( extraid ) )
				return mysql_free_result( );

			gsString[ 0 ] = EOS;
			    bField[ 5 ][ 128 ],

			if ( mysql_retrieve_row( ) )
			    mysql_get_field( "Reason", bField[ 0 ] );
			    mysql_get_field( "Admin", bField[ 1 ] );
			    mysql_get_field( "BanDate", bField[ 2 ] );
			    mysql_get_field( "BanTime", bField[ 3 ] );
			    mysql_get_field( "BanDays", bField[ 4 ] );
				mysql_free_result( );

				getdate( liYear, liMonth, liDay );
				sscanf( bField[ 4 ], "p<->iii", Ban_Day, Ban_Month, Ban_Year );

				if ( Ban_Day > liDay || Ban_Month > liMonth || Ban_Year > liYear )
			        TextDrawShowForPlayer( extraid, Ban_Backround );
			        TextDrawShowForPlayer( extraid, Ban_Info );
			        TextDrawShowForPlayer( extraid, Ban_Message );
			        TextDrawShowForPlayer( extraid, Ban_Details_TD );
			        TextDrawShowForPlayer( extraid, Ban_Mistake );

					gsString[ 0 ] = EOS;
			        format( gsString, sizeof( gsString ), "Banned by Administrator: %s~n~Ban Date: %s~n~Ban Time: %s~n~Ban Reason: %s~n~Un-Ban After: %s", bField[ 1 ], bField[ 2 ], bField[ 3 ], bField[ 0 ], bField[ 4 ] );
					TextDrawSetString( Ban_Details[ extraid ], gsString );
					TextDrawShowForPlayer( extraid, Ban_Details[ extraid ] );

					SetTimerEx( "KickPlayer", 1000, false, "e", extraid );
					format( gsQuery, 128, "DELETE FROM `Banlist` WHERE `Name` = '%s'", PlayerName( extraid ) );
					mysql_query( gsQuery, THREAD_NONE, extraid );
                    CheckPlayerAccount( extraid );
					//OnPlayerConnectEx( extraid );
				CheckPlayerAccount( extraid );
				//OnPlayerConnectEx( extraid );
			return ( 1 );
		    mysql_store_result( );

            if ( !IsPlayerConnected( extraid ) )
				return mysql_free_result( );

			gsString[ 0 ] = EOS;
			    pField[ 20 ]

			if ( mysql_num_rows( ) == 0 )
			    SetPlayerPos( extraid, 379.6912, -1820.0995, 14.5818 );
				InterpolateCameraPos(extraid, 340.322845, -1787.762329, 36.462806, 359.668670, -1823.054565, 47.012962, 2000, 1);
				InterpolateCameraLookAt(extraid, 341.032104, -1783.830444, 36.656478, 357.083160, -1824.181030, 44.176395, 2000, 1);
				SendClientMessage( extraid, ~1, ""R"SE {7A7A7A}»{DBED15} {FFE4C4}This account is not registered. Register your account to gain access to bonus commands and features!" );

		    	new RegisterDS [ 1024 ];
				format(RegisterDS, sizeof(RegisterDS),""W"Welcome to "NAME_S", "YE"%s\n\n", PlayerName( extraid ));
				strcat(RegisterDS,""W"You are not registered yet on this server,\n");
				strcat(RegisterDS,""W"Enter your password below to register\n");
				strcat(RegisterDS,""W"By registering all your statistics will be saved in server database!\n\n");
				strcat(RegisterDS,""R"- "W"Your password must contain at least 4 characters\n");
				strcat(RegisterDS,""R"- "W"Remember your password, you will need it for your next login\n");
				strcat(RegisterDS,""R"- "W"You can easy acces "O"site"W"for password recover\n");
		        ShowPlayerDialog( extraid, RegDialog, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, ""R"#1 "W"Register Account", RegisterDS, "(Register)","" );
			    mysql_retrieve_row( );
			    mysql_get_field( "IP", pField );
		        if ( !strcmp( GetPlayerIPEx( extraid ), pField, true ) )
		            SetPlayerPos( extraid, 379.6912, -1820.0995, 14.5818 );
					InterpolateCameraPos(extraid, 359.668670, -1823.054565, 47.012962, 388.264221, -1812.667846, 17.180328, 2000, 1);
					InterpolateCameraLookAt(extraid, 357.083160, -1824.181030, 44.176395, 384.659332, -1814.355346, 16.784107, 2000, 1);

		            format( gsQuery, sizeof gsQuery, "SELECT * FROM `Accounts` WHERE `Name` = '%s'", PlayerName( extraid ) );
					mysql_query( gsQuery, THREAD_PLAYER_ACCOUNT_LOGIN, extraid );
					InfoTD_MSG( extraid, 4000, "You have been automatically ~g~~h~logged in" );
					TogglePlayerSpectating( extraid, false );
		            SetPlayerPos( extraid, 379.6912, -1820.0995, 14.5818 );
					InterpolateCameraPos(extraid, 359.668670, -1823.054565, 47.012962, 388.264221, -1812.667846, 17.180328, 2000, 1);
					InterpolateCameraLookAt(extraid, 357.083160, -1824.181030, 44.176395, 384.659332, -1814.355346, 16.784107, 2000, 1);
                    SendClientMessage( extraid, ~1, ""R"SE {7A7A7A}»{DBED15} {FFE4C4}This account is registered. Please login to get your status and to gain acces to all commands and features!" );

					gsString[ 0 ] = EOS;
					format( gsString, sizeof( gsString ), "~r~~h~Welcome, ~b~~h~%s~r~~h~!~n~~w~You may login now (/login)!", PlayerName( extraid ) );
					InfoTD_MSG( extraid, 7000, gsString );
			        TogglePlayerSpectating( extraid, false );
			mysql_free_result( );
			return ( 1 );
//...code, code, code ; ) ...
	return ( 1 );
help me, please

its an mysql code, you better take a look over mysql stuffs, check for tuts etc

you can not simply add a link to this dialogue registration to OnPlayerConnect?
//sorry formy my bad eng

I think you just placed this code under OnPlayerConnect, please check for mysql tuts, that would be better

okay, I'll check it

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