2 Questions, Didn't find them on ******.

Question #1

I want that, When I press ESC and then Go to MAP and then Press Left Mouse Button (LMB) to put a Mark in the Map and It teleports me there, where I put'ed it. It is Possible I know. tell me how can I do that?

Question #2

I want to create the Virtual World, How can I create it? I made Command to go in the Virtual Word and here it is

pawn Код:
CMD:eworld(playerid, params[])
    if( AdminLevel(playerid)<1 )return 0;
  if (GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid)==1) return SendClientMessage (playerid, COLOR_ORANGE, "[ ! ] You are already in the Event World" );
 EventPlayerEnter( playerid, false );
 SendClientMessage (playerid, COLOR_ORANGE, "[ ! ] You are now in Event Zone" );
 SendClientMessage (playerid, COLOR_ORANGE, "[ ! ] Welcome to Event World" );
 return 1;
P.S: /spec and /specoff Command Needed Please.

#1 OnPlayerClickMap

#2 Do you want to know how to set the virtual world to a player? I doubt you found nothing about it on ******. SetPlayerVirtualWorld


Originally Posted by MAFIAWARS
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P.S: /spec and /specoff Command Needed Please.
Go here for informations about how to make a simple /spec command

Originally Posted by Axey187
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Go here for informations about how to make a simple /spec command
Thank you Dear, /spec and /specoff Command Working. But, When I am spectating a Player and doing /specoff, I respawn instead of spawn on that Place where I start Spectating.

An Another Problem is that, I can only do /spec once, When I am doing /spec (second time), It is Sending me Client Message that "You already spectating someone".


Any Help Please?

When you disable the spectate, it respawns the player automatically. You'll need to store the player's position while executing /spec command and after they do /specoff, it will re-spawn them. You'll need to add in OnPlayerSpawn to set the position to the last saved one.

It's supposed that you need to do /specoff first and then /spec to spectate another player. It's not that difficult to remove that line and re-spectate the new player!

Thank you for helping in /spec

Now Tell me How can I save the last Position of the Player?

pawn Код:
    Float: Save_Position[ MAX_PLAYERS ][ 4 ],
    bool: InSpectate[ MAX_PLAYERS char ]

// OnPlayerConnect:
Save_Position[ playerid ][ 0 ] = 0.0;
Save_Position[ playerid ][ 1 ] = 0.0;
Save_Position[ playerid ][ 2 ] = 0.0;
Save_Position[ playerid ][ 3 ] = 0.0;

InSpectate{ playerid } = false;

// OnPlayerSpawn:
if( InSpectate{ playerid } )
    SetPlayerPos( playerid, Save_Position[ playerid ][ 0 ], Save_Position[ playerid ][ 1 ], Save_Position[ playerid ][ 2 ] );
    SetPlayerFacingAngle( playerid, Save_Position[ playerid ][ 3 ] );
    InSpectate{ playerid } = false;

// Command /spec
GetPlayerPos( playerid, Save_Position[ playerid ][ 0 ], Save_Position[ playerid ][ 1 ], Save_Position[ playerid ][ 2 ] );
GetPlayerFacingAngle( playerid, Save_Position[ playerid ][ 3 ] );
InSpectate{ playerid } = true;

Thank you Very MUCH <3 <3

Ah ! One more thing to ask, I have a Spawn Command but I can only Spawn Vehicle with its name, not from ID.

I want to Spawn with a Vehicle ID.
Thanks in Advance my Friend

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