How to get ip like that plz ?

Guys how can i get ip for my server like that ?

play-samp.[site here]:7777


First you need to purchase the [site here] domain. Once you've done that, you set up whats called an "A record" in DNS for play-samp.[site here] to point to just [site here] (or its IP address)

At that point, play-samp.[site here]:7777 will point to the IP address associated w/ [site here]

Some hosts actually offer a free DNS upon purchase of a SA-MP server. I'd recommend you submit a ticket to your hoster on their site before you buy something, and ask them if they offer a free DNS for the SA-MP server. But, for example if you used a host called:, then if your server name was Everystuff Freeroam (my mind went blank @kaisersouse), the best you'd get to would be probably something like:

It's an dedicated server host.

get a webhosting with cpanel + domain, and add A Record.

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