Where's the good RP servers?

Move, delete whatever you mods think,

Been inactive and not really playing SA-MP for a long time, and I can't find a proper RP server (don't mention LS-RP), because it's just full of light RP servers and Russian servers. You don't need to reply with server names etc, if it would be classified as advertising, but you can PM me if you got a good server or something, and you can always discuss the topic of what happened to the original servers. Kinda' hard to find a good one among thousands, also if you know any other servers (that isn't RP) but really unique and fun feel free to pm me

Yeah I try to play there but when I get IG I cant talk use /b /o /report or anything I made a report on forums and got an inbox from admin saying I must not be ment to play there so...

LOOOOOOOOOOL. "You can see one below" and then you see "NEED FACTION LEADERS GOOD RP SERVER MED-HEAVY NICE ADMINS AND OWNERS TS IP IS". Enough said. I'd recommend a community, but not like this though.

Same here, looking for one long time, can't find anything decent..

I, too, have noticed that light RP servers are getting more popular, as well as CnR servers. Classic strict roleplay loses it's popularity, but unique strict roleplay is actually popular. By unique I mean vampire roleplay, for example.

Originally Posted by CaHbKo
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I, too, have noticed that light RP servers are getting more popular, as well as CnR servers. Classic strict roleplay loses it's popularity, but unique strict roleplay is actually popular. By unique I mean vampire roleplay, for example.
Stuff like Vampire Roleplay and Zombie Roleplay are becoming overused now. Most zombie servers are boring after a while and you are limited to what you can do. You are supposed to "kill zombies". Looking through a huge ass map for "zombies" is boring, especially when the server is nearly empty.

On topic: There are no good RP servers anymore. All the RP servers are managed by kids who seek money, power and fame. I'd say Valhalla Gaming RP, but the playerbase is dropping.

You all being invasive.

Who gave you the right to judge? I have seen MANY decent roleplay servers recently that deserve to have high playerbase, but well the old servers have easier life by having high amount of players which calling the new "server seekers" to there.

"Where's the good RP servers?" You cannot even spell that simplest sentence.
I guess your one of these ןntolerable attitude and you cant find a static place to stay in.

I suggest you to start searching what is wrong with you and not blaming ALL THE SAMP SERVERS.

Originally Posted by JamesH
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You all being invasive.

Who gave you the right to judge? I have seen MANY decent roleplay servers recently that deserve to have high playerbase, but well the old servers have easier life by having high amount of players which calling the new "server seekers" to there.

"Where's the good RP servers?" You cannot even spell that simplest sentence.
I guess your one of these ןntolerable attitude and you cant find a static place to stay in.

I suggest you to start searching what is wrong with you and not blaming ALL THE SAMP SERVERS.
You're funny, really, intolerable attitude? I've been to every big populated RP server(at the moment), and everyone of them are shit from a RP perspective (unlike LS-RP), the only server right now imo that is a good RP server is RC RP, but sadly not so populated. PR-RP just shut down as well, which was one of the biggest.

Closing thread because, as expected, its turning into a flamewar/advertising method. Sorry OP...these threads ALWAYS descend into this crap.

I have no suggestions because I don't do RP servers. Insert the generic: "The key is to try different ones and stay loyal to the one you like" etc etc etc.

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