27.08.2013, 19:47
Hey, my last account got somehow weird i guess, couldnt post anything, but could login, so made a new one, anyway to the task at hand, ive been working on a very very VERY complex, dynamic vehicle script, with onboard computers, fuel consumption, dashes for all the gauges, engine blowouts, tire wear, mileage, all sorts of disfunctions you can encounter in the real world, ownership, and now i implemented a poop (im a gentelman) load of mathematical calculation's of fuel consumption based on speed, engine wear, other factors and what type of engine it is (defined by 1.8 liter petrol, or let's say 1.9 diesel, 2.0 petrol/LPG or even a 1.0 electric) but my biggest feat for the engine power would be able to change the power itself in term's of top speed, the best i found that work's is using the vehicle velocity to limit or even boost accseleration untill the wanted limit for a particular engine, but there is a problem - when that car is let's say climbing a hill it get's pushed into the road as the calculation's and changes are going on real time for the velocity changes, or if its going down hill, it might as well be a hover car, i had another idea of having a handful of vehicles that I use on the server that have already different properties of speed in san andreas, but just changing the model itself, but keeping the specifications of the core vehicle, but avail to my research it is not possible unless i modify 3 cars to look the same in game files, and just change the ID when the engine is changed, but still, that mean's i would be able to only have that change possible for 1 car only, not let's say a elegy and a club having the "chassis" of a turismo. Any help is deeply apreciated THANK YOU.