prevent player from respawning

Hi guys,
I'm wondering whether there is a way to prevent the player from respawning after death...
I want the player to stay in his death position for a while (so basicly maybe set his health to 1 when he dies).
But if I'm correct, setting the health to 1 when the player is dead doesn't affect anything.

So is there a way (without using a health check at "OnPlayerUpdate") to freeze the player at the spot he died with maybe a HP of 1?

What you can simply do is put the play in Spectate mode just where he died maybe?

Well, I would simply set the player's position to the old spot after respawning, but I want a fluent screen, without the player being at another position for a short time on the player's screen...

so something that would even prevent him from respawning would be nice...

You could also try to set player's camera to look at the place where he died, that is an idea;

yea, but the camera would be moved for a short time when the player respawns... and then it wouldn't be fluently againD:

Maybe you can do the following:
pawn Код:
//We're OnPlayerDeath now
new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z;
GetPlayerPos(playerid, X, Y, Z);
/* then of course, since u want him to stay at that spot after death, you can even create a timer for this, on which he will stay there, maybe also an animation of him laying on the ground */
SetPlayerPos(playerid, X, Y,Z);
//U can add the thing up so its an animation for 25 seconds..

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