04.08.2013, 05:16
[12:11:28] [debug] Server crashed while executing ATRP.amx [12:11:28] [debug] AMX backtrace: [12:11:28] [debug] #0 native fread () [004057a0] from samp-server.exe [12:11:28] [debug] #1 00265188 in ?? () from ATRP.amx [12:11:28] [debug] #2 005448b8 in public ServerHeartbeatba () from ATRP.amx [12:11:28] [debug] System backtrace: [12:11:29] [debug] #0 00492860 in ?? () from C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\VN-PAC (AT-RP)\VN-PAC (AT-RP)\samp-server.exe [12:11:29] [debug] #1 00492e90 in ?? () from C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\VN-PAC (AT-RP)\VN-PAC (AT-RP)\samp-server.exe
task ServerHeartbeatba[1000]() { static string[128]; foreach(new i: Player) { if(playerTabbed[i] == 0) { switch(PlayerInfo[i][pLevel]) { case 0 .. 2: PlayerInfo[i][pPayCheck] += 1; case 3 .. 4: PlayerInfo[i][pPayCheck] += 2; case 5 .. 6: PlayerInfo[i][pPayCheck] += 3; case 7 .. 8: PlayerInfo[i][pPayCheck] += 4; case 9 .. 10: PlayerInfo[i][pPayCheck] += 5; case 11 .. 12: PlayerInfo[i][pPayCheck] += 6; case 13 .. 14: PlayerInfo[i][pPayCheck] += 7; case 15 .. 16: PlayerInfo[i][pPayCheck] += 8; case 17 .. 18: PlayerInfo[i][pPayCheck] += 9; case 19 .. 20: PlayerInfo[i][pPayCheck] += 10; default: PlayerInfo[i][pPayCheck] += 11; } if(++PlayerInfo[i][pConnectSeconds] >= 3600) { PayDay(i); } } if (DangDieuTra[i] != 0) { if (DieuTraLimit[i] > 1) { DieuTraLimit[i]--; if (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 2.0, GetPVarFloat(i, "pDieuTraX"), GetPVarFloat(i, "pDieuTraY"), GetPVarFloat(i, "pDieuTraZ"))) { DieuTraCountDown[i]--; if (DieuTraCountDown[i] > 0) { format(string, sizeof(string), "Thoi gian con lai~n~~y~%d", DieuTraCountDown[i]); GameTextForPlayer(i, string, 900, 6); } else if (DieuTraCountDown[i] == 0) //thanh cong { new killer = GetKillerID[DieuTraVictim[i]]; if (killer == INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_WHITE, "Thu pham khong ton tai (da thoat)"); DieuTraVictim[i] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID; DangDieuTra[i] = 0; DieuTraCountDown[i] = 0; DieuTraLimit[i] = 0; } else { format(string, sizeof(string), "Hung thu co so CMND la %d", killer); SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "***** Dieu tra thanh cong *****"); SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_LIGHTGREEN, string); SendClientMessage(killer, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "Canh sat da tim ra ban la thu pham trong vu giet nguoi"); SetPlayerWantedLevel(killer, GetPlayerWantedLevel(killer) + 1); PlayerInfo[killer][pCrimes]++; AddCrime(i, killer, "Giet nguoi"); PlayerInfo[killer][pWantedLevel]++; format(string, sizeof(string), "** DISPATCH: Nhan vien %s da tim ra %s la thu pham cua 1 vu giet nguoi", GetPlayerNameEx(i), GetPlayerNameEx(killer)); foreach (new p: Player) { if (IsACop(p)) { SendClientMessage(p, COLOR_DBLUE, string); SendClientMessage(p, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "Hay kiem tra danh sach truy na."); } } DangDieuTra[i] = 0; DieuTraVictim[i] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID; DangDieuTra[i] = 0; DieuTraCountDown[i] = 0; DieuTraLimit[i] = 0; } } } } else if (DieuTraLimit[i] == 1 && DangDieuTra[i] == 1) { SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GREY, "Ban da that bai trong viec tim kiem thu pham"); DangDieuTra[i] = 0; } } /*if (GetPVarInt(i, "MailTime") > 0) SetPVarInt(i, "MailTime", GetPVarInt(i, "MailTime") - 1); else DeletePVar(i, "MailTime");*/ if(PlayerInfo[i][pJudgeJailType] != 0 && PlayerInfo[i][pJudgeJailTime] > 0 && !PlayerInfo[i][pBeingSentenced]) PlayerInfo[i][pJudgeJailTime]--; if(PlayerInfo[i][pJudgeJailTime] <= 0 && PlayerInfo[i][pJudgeJailType] != 0) PlayerInfo[i][pJudgeJailType] = 0; if(PlayerInfo[i][pJailTime] > 0 && --PlayerInfo[i][pJailTime] <= 0) { if(strfind(PlayerInfo[i][pPrisonReason], "[IC]", true) != -1 || strfind(PlayerInfo[i][pPrisonReason], "[ISOLATE]", true) != -1) { SetPlayerInterior(i, 0); PlayerInfo[i][pInt] = 0; SetPlayerVirtualWorld(i, 0); PlayerInfo[i][pVW] = 0; SetPlayerPos(i, 1745.5969, 396.6139, 19.0345); } else { SetPlayerInterior(i, 0); PlayerInfo[i][pInt] = 0; SetPlayerVirtualWorld(i, 0); PlayerInfo[i][pVW] = 0; SetPlayerPos(i, 1544.5059,-1675.5673,13.5585); } PlayerInfo[i][pJailTime] = 0; PhoneOnline[i] = 0; SendClientMessageEx(i, COLOR_GRAD1," Ban da hoan thanh het nghia vu."); GameTextForPlayer(i, "~g~Tu do~n~~w~Hay co gang la mot cong dan tot", 5000, 1); ClearCrimes(i); strcpy(PlayerInfo[i][pPrisonReason], "None", 128); SetPlayerToTeamColor(i); } if(CommandSpamTimes[i] != 0) { CommandSpamTimes[i]--; } if(TextSpamTimes[i] != 0) { TextSpamTimes[i]--; } if(UsedFind[i] >= 1) --UsedFind[i]; if(PlayerInfo[i][pMechTime] > 0) PlayerInfo[i][pMechTime]--; if(PlayerInfo[i][pLawyerTime] > 0) PlayerInfo[i][pLawyerTime]--; if(PlayerInfo[i][pDrugsTime] > 0) PlayerInfo[i][pDrugsTime]--; if(PlayerInfo[i][pRMuted] == 2) { PlayerInfo[i][pRMutedTime]--; if(PlayerInfo[i][pRMutedTime] <= 0) { PlayerInfo[i][pRMuted] = 0; } } if(PlayerInfo[i][pVMuted] == 2) { PlayerInfo[i][pVMutedTime]--; if(PlayerInfo[i][pVMutedTime] <= 0) { PlayerInfo[i][pVMuted] = 0; } } if(GetPVarType(i, "hFind")) { new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, pID = GetPVarInt(i, "hFind"); if(IsPlayerConnected(pID)) { GetPlayerPos(pID, X, Y, Z); SetPlayerCheckpoint(i, X, Y, Z, 4.0); } } if(WantLawyer[i] >= 1) { CallLawyer[i] = 111; if(WantLawyer[i] == 1) { SendClientMessageEx(i, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "Ban co muon mot luat su? (Go 'yes' hoac 'no')"); } WantLawyer[i] ++; if(WantLawyer[i] == 8) { SendClientMessageEx(i, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "Ban co muon mot luat su? (Go 'yes' hoac 'no')"); } if(WantLawyer[i] == 15) { SendClientMessageEx(i, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "Ban co muon mot luat su? (Go 'yes' hoac 'no')"); } if(WantLawyer[i] == 20) { SendClientMessageEx(i, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "Khong co luat su nao lam nhiem vu! Thoi gian o tu bat dau."); WantLawyer[i] = 0; CallLawyer[i] = 0; } } } }