[FilterScript] AntiSwear with warning system [Includes English & Dutch words]

YES, I know this is a 18+ game but still this could come in useful

This is a simple anti swearing system that disallows you to use swear words.
It includes the most popular English and Dutch words. If you have a bit of scripting knowledge you should be able to easily add words for yourself.
When you say a swear word you will get a notification about how many warnings you have and your message will not be send to the players.
You have to get 3 warnings before receiving a kick from the server.
RCON Admins can use /antiswear and configure the script. You can make it so that only admins can swear or you can make it so that all players can swear. You can also make it so that no one can swear.

It's very simple to use and was made in about 1 hour.
Here is the pastebin http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=qxXB2bPc

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