SetTimer problem?

Hey everyone.

I added this to my script as a timer:

SetTimer("SetPlayerUnMute", 1000, 1);

Using it for the unmute and mute command, but it seems like it won't work as I am getting this error:

error 021: symbol already defined: "SetTimer"

And that error makes me get a warning. But I cannot get "Symbol is already defined" where is it defined and how shall I fix it? That is the only SetTimer I have on my script by the way. Any suggestions?

OPS I just found out that I posted this in wrong section. I thought I still was in the Scripting Help section, sorry for that. Hopefully it will get moved shortly.

Did you put the Timer OnGameModeInIt? It should be there.
This could be your problem, the SetTimer("SetPlayerUnMute", 1000, 1); should be OnGameModeInIt.

Originally Posted by JimmyCh
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Did you put the Timer OnGameModeInIt? It should be there.
This could be your problem, the SetTimer("SetPlayerUnMute", 1000, 1); should be OnGameModeInIt.
You are right, my bad. Thank you [SOLVED]

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