command doesn't work

So I work on command which checking someone offline player stats /check and I using yini so my problem is next let say Mark_Johnson is offline and I type /check Mark_Johnson and oke his stats write to my but the problem is example he is lvl 23 and I'm 12 then when I type coommand that /check Mark_Johnson then my lvl is 23 if you know what I mean that is the problem but I can't fix it ccan you help me if you understand this. Thanks

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pawn Код:
CMD:check(playerid, params[])
    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Admin] >= 1337 || IsPlayerAdmin(playerid))
        new banstatus[128], banstatusx,imestr[128],imezz[128];
            SCM(playerid,GRAD2,"{FFAF00}Koristite: {FFFFFF}/check [Ime_Prezime]");
            SCM(playerid, GRAD2, "*Napomena: Ime je osjetljivo na mala i velika slova, i takodjer mora da sadrzava donju crtu.");
            return 1;
        format(imestr, sizeof(imestr),"/Users/%s.ini",imezz);
        if(!fexist(imestr)) return SCM(playerid, GRAD2,"{F81414}G-Protect: {FFFFFF}Korisnicki racun nije pronaden!");
        INI_ParseFile(imestr,"getStats",.bExtra = true, .extra = playerid);
        if(banstatusx == 0) banstatus = "Igrac nije banan...";
        else if(banstatusx == 1) banstatus = "G-Protect: Taj je igrac banan...";
        else banstatus = "N/A";
        SCMF(playerid,BELA,"G-Protect: provjera igraca %s je pokrenuta...",imezz);
        SCMF(playerid,COLOR_ZUTA1,"Level:[%d] AdminLV[%d] GSLevel[%d]",PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel],PlayerInfo[playerid][Admin],PlayerInfo[playerid][pGameMaster]);
        SCMF(playerid,COLOR_ZUTA1,"Zadnja aktivnost: %s",PlayerInfo[playerid][ZadnjaAktivnost]);
    else return SCM(playerid, GRAD2, "{FFFFFF}[{F81414}G-Unit{FFFFFF}] {C3C3C3}Samo Admini!");
    return 1;
So the stats is correct I mean when I check someone offlinee player stats it' working but i get that someone player lvl

Eh, so you get someone else his stats on the screen?

yes that work but when I type example /check rallo and I get you stats on the screen but also your level I got you lvl 12 I 34 and I type command and my lvl is 12

Anyone. Thanks

Please anyone?

What is "SCMF"?

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