Offline watching someone player

How can I make a command when is someone player offline i type the command and them print my example. If you know what I mean and i using yini. Thanks

The level of player
The Admin Level

You'd have to parse the file to load the info and set it to a variable. This parsing/loading depends on your GM. Now since the player isn't online you'd have to use his name instead and load the file which has the name of the player. The variable can be called anything and it will only be temporary as it will be overwritten once the command is called again. Simple and efficient system with the help of the name of the player, a stock function and parsing of files using Y_INI. Now since you didn't give any code you'll have to do it on your own. You hopefully have an idea of how to do it now though. Good luck.

this is how I try but doesn't work i try with INI_Load but nothing. Please help. Thanks

pawn Код:
CMD:provjeri(playerid, params[])
    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Admin] >= 1337 || IsPlayerAdmin(playerid))
        new banstatus[64],banstatusx,admlv,gslevel,lvligraca,imestr[128],poslednjaaktivnost,imezz[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
        if(sscanf(params,"s[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]", imezz))
            SCM(playerid,GRAD2,"{FFAF00}Koristite: {FFFFFF}/provjeri [Ime_Prezime]");
            SCM(playerid, GRAD2, "*Napomena: Ime je osjetljivo na mala i velika slova, i takodjer mora da sadrzava donju crtu.");
            return 1;
        format(imestr,128,"Users/%s.ini", imezz);
        if(!fexist(imestr)) return SCM(playerid, GRAD2,"{F81414}G-Protect: {FFFFFF}Korisnicki racun nije pronaden!");
        banstatusx = INI_Load("Nick");
        lvligraca = INI_Load("Level");
        admlv = INI_Load("AdminLevel");
        gslevel = INI_Load("GSLevel");
        poslednjaaktivnost = INI_Load("ZadnjaAktivnost");
        if(banstatusx == 0) banstatus = "Igrac nije banan...";

I try everything and I using yini but I don't know correct how to load player stats example lvl of the player can you help me give just one example.

I was read that tutorial but I didn't understand. Please ****** just one example and that it. Thanks

Try me just give me example how to read someone offline player lvl.



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