[FilterScript] Simple anti-car-spam

Copied/pasted some anti death spam code and turned it into an anti-vehicle-spam script. This seems to be preventing people from spamming vehicles, flinging them around, etc etc.

Its very simple, so if there is anything wrong with it, needs something, etc...I'm all ears.

Compiled (AMX): click here

Source (PWN): click here

Pastebin (PWN): http://pastebin.com/nwFmiy7X (<--enjoy the tab butchering)

good job

Nice bro Thanks for it

I believe everystuff.net is down or atleast won't appear for me. Could you upload it somewhere else?

Edit: Noticed that its not only me which is blocked,can't ya upload it here as an attachment? I'd appreciate it.

Originally Posted by Tamer T
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I believe everystuff.net is down or atleast won't appear for me. Could you upload it somewhere else?

Edit: Noticed that its not only me which is blocked,can't ya upload it here as an attachment? I'd appreciate it.
Mirror: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pponx9yad1...nticarspam.pwn

I <3 how you left the IRC shit in there. lol

Nice release though, I'm sure it'll be beneficial to some!

Nice work. It's very beneficial.

how about GetTickCount for OnPlayerDeath (anti fake kill)

Originally Posted by Guest123
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how about GetTickCount for OnPlayerDeath (anti fake kill)
Thats precisely the code I butchered to make this haha.

YEah I'll pastebin the pwn. Some geographical areas (intentionally) have trouble reaching my network heh. Sorry about that.

Works great, thanks a lot it's very useful!

Nice,very nice,good job

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerStateChange(playerid, newstate, oldstate)
    if(newstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER) //entered as driver
        if((GetTickCount()-GetPVarInt(playerid, "cartime")) < 1000) // enters veh as driver faster than 1 once
            SetPVarInt(playerid, "carspam", GetPVarInt(playerid, "carspam")+1);//Increase ticks
            if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "carspam") >= 5) // allows 5 seconds leeway to compensate for glitching, then kicks
                //hacker action here
        SetPVarInt(playerid, "cartime", GetTickCount());//Last time entered car
    return 1;
That's basically the code, i don't like using pvars and funfact is that opsc isn't even called for most of the new cheats a good try nevertheless seeing as this is a 2013 post and it doesn't matter if i comment or not since the guy above me bumped it. Not to mention players switch between vehicles as passengers but i'll agree on them being passengers not syncing the vehicle's position so that wouldn't matter much

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