Why does my server have random lag spikes?

Title sas all...

All of a sudden I am trying out this new GM Reality RP and I am having random lag spikes... I think its after I type an admin cmd idk.

But yeah..

here is my server folder http://www.solidfiles.com/d/56a7837ee9/

and the GM I am using is RGRP, and the Filterscripts I'm using in the filterscripts folder, 'IDS PizzaStack ASGHPark WangMarket LSFD Mercado' there all map filterscripts

How is the server hosted?

The server is home hosted right now with only 3 ppl but earlier we were playing on other gamemode and had like 5 8 people and it was not lagging... it only did the random lag spikes for this gamemode.. and it happens randomly within a second one minute its good than in a second its not

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