[GameMode] [Whirlpool, Streamer, Sscanf] Call of Duty 2 Release [Release]

Nice script...

Originally Posted by iTheScripter
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Nice script...
Thank you very much.

Remove the server and plugins from this download - you don't have permission to distribute them and doing so is also against forum rules.

Originally Posted by Y_Less
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Remove the server and plugins from this download - you don't have permission to distribute them and doing so is also against forum rules.

Update: Download is now provided with Mediafire, and I've removed samp-server.exe, and the plugins folder.

You can still distribute a zip file with binaries of your mode and scriptfiles, just not things like samp-server.exe, .dll files, or YSI. This is especially the case as I suspect your code won't work without the scriptfiles.

Also, where is the source for cod2test.amx?

Originally Posted by Y_Less
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You can still distribute a zip file with binaries of your mode and scriptfiles, just not things like samp-server.exe, .dll files, or YSI. This is especially the case as I suspect your code won't work without the scriptfiles.

Also, where is the source for cod2test.amx?
Source as in?
Sorry, I just got back to scripting.

cod2test.amx was my test one.
This is the real one.

Please keep in note that I was scripting this on my mom's computer as my computer was broke (which I have back).

I don't happen to have cod2test.pwn.

If you don't have the .pwn file then you can't distribute the .amx file.

But the release isn't about the cod2test.amx. It's about the cod2.amx and cod2.pwn which I've presented.

Should I remove the cod2test.amx from the download?

Notice: cod2test.amx has been removed from the download.

If cod2test.pwn is there that's fine, the only problem is if you have the .amx without the .pwn file - ALL source code MUST bw included.

Alright. In that case, I've still deleted by cod2test.amx.

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