Minefield Help.

I want to create a minefield around Area 51 that only members of the Cop faction can use. I use ZCMD, Y_INI.

I don't really want you to tell me the command, just what functions to use and how to set it out, and which callback to place it under.

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
 if(GetPlayerPos(playerid, 210.4425,1908.4885,17.6406) return CreateExplosion(playerid,210.4425,1908.4885,17.6406);        
  return 1;

Use the Streamer plugin and use a DynamicArea, do NOT use OnPlayerUpdate, nobody needs to check if they are in a minefield and a certain faction 30+ times a second.

I was doing stuff like this:

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerConnect
         if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, AREA51COORDINATES)) return CreateExplosion(playerid, AREA51COORDINATES))

Stuff like that was what I was doing, it was going wrong as you can imagine lol.

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