Kicking/Banning Question

Whenever, I am doing something on a server and I get kicked and or banned from the server it never displays the kick'd reason and or the banned reason. Anyone might have a explanation behind this? I've heard it's related to the servers timer or something.

Kick and ban has higher priority. Use SetTimerEx to delay it, then messages will be shown.

So was this required when 0.3x came out or since when was this a requirement? I remember when it only mattered by, which came first in the script.

If you have the SendClientMessage(targetid, "<Imput Text Here>" before the Kick/Ban(playerid) and it still doesnt work, set a timer for 1000 miliseconds, that will give it enough time to show, then give the timer the command when it finishes kick/ban(targetid)

Search there exists alots of topics on this.

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