Anti-S0B*EITTTTTTTl thingy

Well recently I saw servers that owns anti-hacktool thingy (S0B*EITTTTTTT), if you logged in their server with the tool itself, it just kicks you, is this possible? is it made here on the forums? link?

Thanks in advance buddies!

If it kicked a hacker... then yes, apparently it is possible.

Cheats often have very specific characteristics caused by their initialization, for example once a normal player joins the server, no angle change is reported to the server from the client, but when a cheatprogram-user joins the server, the client reports an angle change of x degrees. Detection becomes easy with less room for error than the general anticheat out there.

The reason these scripts are often not public is that the cheat users or their code contributors would patch these issues for the next version of their tool - I don't think server owners would want that. I recall at least one script to detect hack users easily, it ended in the releaser's server being targeted in some attacks.

You could try to contact the server owner and provide the legitimacy of your need for an efficient tool detector!

Thanks for the details!, repped!

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