Input line too long (after substitutions) error with diagog rules

Hello there. I am making a /rules command. I've got 23 rules, but for some odd reason when I run and compile my script, it comes up with

error 075: input line too long (after substitutions)
Please help!

If you're showing the rules and not any player name you can just use
pawn Код:
SendClientMessage(playerid, color, "message");
Also it would be good if you provided the code so we easier can see the problem

No, I'm doing a dialog, so they type /rules, the dialog comes up with all of the rules, and that's when they can click on the rules, and more information about them will come up.

It means you have too many characters on a single line in your script. You could have quickly found the answer by searching, by the way. Do that in the future. Not searching is what will cause many people here to dislike you.

Either split the strings using strcat... like so:

pawn Код:
strcat(string, "rule 1 - information");
strcat(string, "rule 2 - information");
Or by doing it like this:

pawn Код:
strcat(string, "rule 1 - information  rule 2 - information  rule 3 - information \
rule 4 - information  rule 5 - information  rule 6 - information"

Its a case

Can you post your code, please? I'm a bit confused exactly on how you're getting an error on a case statement...

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