Thoughts on Baby 59?

I hope this thread isn't considered controversial, though the matter itself seemed a tad on that side of the scale. I was just wandering what everyone else thought of the 'baby 59 incident.'

To me, it's absolutely appauling that someone could do such a thing, and I guess it can be a symbol for some of the attitudes in society these days.

It'd be good to hear some other opinions.

On the positive side, many people have stepped in to offer support, as well as offers to adopt. It's a true reflection of the good vs evil in society.

Honetly I agree with you, I thought it was horrible... I mean the baby was even bleeding from what looked like his head in the video of him being helped. Although I've ONLY saw the video once...

EDIT: YOur link is also dead...

Oh sorry. It's on my phone. :P

I think it's just awful on how a person can do that to a baby! I wonder how long the baby was there for!

Indeed. The videos of the rescue made me even more sick. It's lucky that it survived in there to begin with.

Welcome to China! I'm sure it's not common practise though.

Nah, it's kinda funny. On the online newspaper I read, the title was "What's wrong with these people." I was caught out, trying to figure out what the title was trying to imply. I'm certain it was with regard to people that dump their newborn babies and leave them for dead, though on the other hand, there is a notion of 'stereotyping Chinese' too. I'm still not sure about it but I guess it's not true. You can't blame anyone for the actions of others. Well, you can but it wouldn't be right.

People these days make me sick...

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