Hovering all textdraws

I know it has been asked milion times and I found a lot of topics, that says how to fix it, but I'm still confused.

Here's how I'm checking X & Y:

And it didn't worked. I used TextDrawTextSize in box underneath of text and on text (Empty slot). But when I used it for Empty slot it stopped hovering.

Any idea? I'm really confused..

Where's my code? o.0

pawn Код:
SerwerData[E_PLAYER_CHARACTERS_TD][4] = CreatePlayerTextDraw(playerid, 620.511169, 196.250000, "ThirdSlotBox");
    PlayerTextDrawLetterSize(playerid, SerwerData[E_PLAYER_CHARACTERS_TD][4], 0.220000, 4.349998);
    PlayerTextDrawTextSize(playerid, SerwerData[E_PLAYER_CHARACTERS_TD][4], 486.324, 228.666);
    PlayerTextDrawAlignment(playerid, SerwerData[E_PLAYER_CHARACTERS_TD][4], 1);
    PlayerTextDrawColor(playerid, SerwerData[E_PLAYER_CHARACTERS_TD][4], 0);
    PlayerTextDrawUseBox(playerid, SerwerData[E_PLAYER_CHARACTERS_TD][4], true);
    PlayerTextDrawBoxColor(playerid, SerwerData[E_PLAYER_CHARACTERS_TD][4], 102);
    PlayerTextDrawSetShadow(playerid, SerwerData[E_PLAYER_CHARACTERS_TD][4], 0);
    PlayerTextDrawSetOutline(playerid, SerwerData[E_PLAYER_CHARACTERS_TD][4], 0);
    PlayerTextDrawFont(playerid, SerwerData[E_PLAYER_CHARACTERS_TD][4], 0);


Anyone? I'm stuck, and I need it, really quick.

You want the "X" to appear over the black fade box which says empty slot? I have no experience with textdraws, but if this is what you want to do then try to define the X after you define the box.

Originally Posted by HurtLocker
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You want the "X" to appear over the black fade box which says empty slot? I have no experience with textdraws, but if this is what you want to do then try to define the X after you define the box.
Well this 'X' is just a textdraw which I'm moving in Textdraw Editor and doing F8 to take a screenshot of X & Y textdraw position. I want to hover EMPTY SLOT textdraw, the box is just design. But, when player hover box, EMPTY SLOT text will hover too.. if you know what I mean. Player hover box, so that means, player hover text.


pawn Код:
PlayerTextDrawTextSize(playerid, SerwerData[E_PLAYER_CHARACTERS_TD][4], 15, 15);
. The previous co-ords you had were very large.

Or else use iPleomax Textdraw Editor. In it change the size of the letter box first manually to 0 then use the mouse cursor and select the area for the selectable part. Its 100% working for me.

Originally Posted by Faisal_khan
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pawn Код:
PlayerTextDrawTextSize(playerid, SerwerData[E_PLAYER_CHARACTERS_TD][4], 15, 15);
. The previous co-ords you had were very large.

Or else use iPleomax Textdraw Editor. In it change the size of the letter box first manually to 0 then use the mouse cursor and select the area for the selectable part. Its 100% working for me.
What? I'm using iPLEOMAX's textdraw editor and that's why I have 'X' textdraw on the screen to check coordination there!

Did you even cared to read the whole thing?
Why don't you use maths here?
Just subtract the co-ords. Here I have done it for you:
pawn Код:
PlayerTextDrawTextSize(playerid, SerwerData[E_PLAYER_CHARACTERS_TD][4], 125.564, 39);
And WTF is coordination!

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