10.04.2013, 11:21
I Need a function wich will load all of my objects from a ini file.
I saw this function -
But it dont work for me.
I've printed the poses from that function and it loads only : "0.00000" for everthing(Object Model,FloatX and so..).
I Need a function wich will load all of my objects from a ini file.
I saw this function -
stock LoadObjectsFromFile(const filename[]) { new Objects_loaded; if(!fexist(filename)) return printf("[Objects] Couldn't load objects from %s [Reason : File doesn't exist]", filename); new File:Handler = fopen(filename, io_read); if(!Handler) return printf("[Objects] Couldn't load objects from %s [Reason : I/O Error]", filename); new Line[256], Index = -1, Model, Float:PosX, Float:PosY, Float:PosZ, Float:RotX, Float:RotY, Float:RotZ,Float:DrawDistance; Objects_loaded = 0; while(fread(Handler, Line)) { Index++; new EOL = strfind(Line, ";", false); if(EOL != -1) strdel(Line, EOL - 1, sizeof Line - 1); else { printf("[Objects] Error reading @LineIndex %i from %s (EOL not found)", Index, filename); continue; } if(!sscanf(Line[13], "p<,>iffffffF(100)", Model, PosX, PosY, PosZ, RotX, RotY, RotZ, DrawDistance)) { CreateObject(Model, PosX, PosY, PosZ, RotX, RotY, RotZ, DrawDistance); Objects_loaded++; } else printf("[Objects] Error reading @LineIndex %i from %s (Invalid format)", Index, filename); } fclose(Handler); printf("[Objects] Loaded %d objects from: %s", Objects_loaded, filename); return true; }
I've printed the poses from that function and it loads only : "0.00000" for everthing(Object Model,FloatX and so..).